Not regular like, but in the right conditions. We have a lot of light air here on the Chesapeake. Last weekend I had boy, 9.875 yrs old and my daughter 7.5 yrs old as my crew, combined crew weight of about 320#s. Boy was on the wire almost the entire time. Wind was 5 to 10 from the south sometimes and sometimes not. We only had one gust that stood us up double trapped. Had the gust become the sustained wind we would have put the traveler down a few inches and called it a day. Probably would have gotten their Opti out for them. We ended up doing three or four races and would have done another but inbetween races my daughter encounted a jelly during her inbetween race swim . . . that ended our day.

Boy's jobs: trim jibe both upwind and down, trap, call laylines, waves and crossing situations. "Can we cross them? I say I say Boy, can we cross them..."

Daughters Jobs: Straighten lines, move her weight around without being told, especially forward, and looking for opposing boats. Especially, Flying Scots on Port coming downwind and not yielding to us. She will be yelling protest next time.

Chris Allen
Nacra 20 Gertie