It may not appear at first glance to be true (and it may not be) but that big cruising cat does have some advantages ... it's hull are widely spaced while being long and narrow, therefore the boat has alot of directional stability ..... it has very small transoms exposed to the following waves .... and it has a motor. Don't get me wrong, you still need to approach an inlet w/ those conditions very carefully and only get one shot at it ....

VS a sport fishing boat 30-40'lg w/ a wide 15'transom exposed to the following seas but w/ 300-500hp of glorious V8 muscle at your disposal ....

It will/could be "dicey" on either type of boat .....

Most New Jersey inlets are tough when weather conditions pick up ... but Sea Isle Inlet is the toughest (IMHO) as it is a little hole in the beach w/ really short jetties and off-shore sandbars. When the weather gets bad there are breaking waves from 1/4-1/2m off-shore completely closing out the inlet .... the breaking waves travel the whole length of the inlet .... including passing through the highway drawbridge!!!! Yes, there is a low drawbridge that you have to pass through!!!!! A nice little inlet in good weather .... downright dangerous/deadly in nasty weather.

The nearest other attemptable inlets in rough weather are approximently 15m either north or south on the coast .... I navigated it once in only semi-rough conditions ... and don't want to do it ever again!!!


Last edited by HMurphey; 10/30/09 07:46 AM.