Andrew, is it the class who is doing the ratings, no they are not.When the F16's are sailing against eachother there is no rating involved at all. It is the short coming of the TR that there can be several different ratings when they put it in there calculation. Weight is a major factor in these calculations and the Viper is taking advantage of this, when sailing an open event they can enter like a Viper ( not a F16 ) but they also can enter like a F16 boat and yes TR is different in this, but is this an error of the class and the reason to hack into the class over and over again on F16 class weight. The TR system is just a theoratical system and is not always correct.
See a-class in this system also. A-class is having the same rating as F18 but the F18 is doubeling there sail area downwind is this fair?

Why do the F18's not leave there jib home when sailing an open event and it is really blowing because it will give an advantage of 7 points !!!!!!!!!!. I am sure that the disadvantage of not having a jib can be solved by making another type of main ( size along class rules ) to suite the sailing without a jib. The TR will be 108, everybody is free of doing this when entering an open event but is it then the fault of the class ?.

Chris Sproat did a smart move here and did take advantage of the loophole there is. Is this the fault of the class ?

Why cannot be said that it was a good result sailed by him. Stop. but no it needs another useless discussion.
AHPC is taking marketing advantage of this but is Nacra or Hobie not doing the same when they have good results in an event. I have read so many times the phrases "Hobie Wildcat did it again or Nacra again on top of the fleet" but it is often not telling the exact reason how these results where gained , and often a lot of people do know the reason or circumstances where was sailed in but do you here then. Is it the fault of the class ? that they had agood result. No you will not hear it because it is marketing not wise but is it then still the fault of the class?

Andrew, i would prefer more that if you have something on your mind about F16 that you call me and we can talk about it then start a fight on this CS thing.

Best regards,

Hans Klok

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