The "largest builder" has also asked the T4.9 class to increase its weight. So I guess the 4.9 has also increased its hull specs by your reasoning.. Then again it could also be a commercial decision.. Which is well with in their rights as designers builders..
Ok so we cant use any design that you think isn't fast.. The fact is its a design that according to you should be the class killer.. So please explain how its so price competitive!!
be that as it is... I guess I could throw my resources behind a "ultimate" F16.. Which means I would then be the worlds bestest yep the biggest bestestester bestest F16 sailor.. no matter how old and slow I am now.. Now do I believe I would beat Ashby on a Stealth (because they are according to you the slow boat) nope.. I am sure he is quaking in his booties at the prospect..
The Tornado and the F18 are over weight.. So are you stirring to get them to shed lard? If so please point to the discussion.. I need a good chuckle tonight..