Originally Posted by waynemarlow
Originally Posted by macca

but you need to build it with the right method and a backyard builder isn't going to have the right skills/equipment to do so.

Macca the statement above sort of puts you in the same frame as our current Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, that of making statements without really thinking through what he is stating, for purely point scoring reasons.

You state openly that back yard builders are not capable of making good boats because they don't have the technical facilities to be able to do so. At the moment the backyard boys ( who probably make more F16's than AHPC )make boats to weight and the one company who has bought in production ( AHPC only buys in hulls from another company )knowledge, can't.

Now I put that down to one simple reason, profit margins. AHPC have gone down the route of outsourcing production because it has a higher profit margin, no different to probably 1000's of companies in the world. The downside is by using cheap labour and outsourcing you get less control of production methods.

Anyway I'm not sure why we are having this conversation when the Viper is doing so well in sales, AHPC must be getting pretty pissed by now as the F16 sailors will turn against them, particularly if they continue on with this weight issue. Guys get on with selling ( and hence converting sailors ) F16's to the masses.

Now you are the one that is having comprehension issues Wayne, I stated that its not possible for a home builder to build an all carbon boat to the same standard and weight savings that a professional can with the suitable equipment.

I have not at any stage said that a home builder can't build a good boat. I know they can and have seen it done many times, however they will not be able to build a boat that is as optimised as someone who has access to prepreg, nomex and a big angry autoclave... I have also seen boats built this way and I can tell you which one is a better product, lighter, stronger and all round better.

And for you to state that the quality control of the facilities where AHPC build their boats is not as good as a home/small builder clearly shows you have the Gordon Brown disease... I have personally visited both locations where AHPC build hulls and I can say that both companies build a top class product that rates up there with the very best in the world. I presume you haven't visited said factories??? No, didn't think so...
