Yes the thin line needs to be hooked into the harness like a trap otherwise I agree the heavier line would be much more comfortable.

Clipping in may be more effective however especially if there is a need for righting bag as it frees up a hand and requires much less energy then hanging by ones arms while dealing with the bag. Also maybe best to conserve energy for the subsequent swim and remount.

Originally Posted by LuckyDuck
Speaking of righting aids one thing I did recently was to get rid of the thin righting line that nests under the tramp and replace it with a nice fat line that I keep in the tramp bag to be thrown over the hull when capsized. I couldn't grip the small line and that led to problems when my height was not right. With the fat line I can grab it easily and climb up or down as needed to keep my body out of the water. Used it last week and it was great. My 2 cents. Ed

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