Originally Posted by Team_Cat_Fever
So I guess it was the Jakester. I'd say honest mistake, but watch that Trey/Bailey team, especially that Bailey character. Ya know he's the new Tad, right?
If you're parked on the non course side of the line,pre start, w/ no flow over your rudders, traveler centered and main sheeted ,then you've got nothing. If you've got sheet and/or traveler out, as most do when parking on the line , then you still have options and can go higher.

Yeah, it was me and it was an amicable event and I appreciate Patrick bringing it back up here because it's not a situation I'm real strong on. A couple of things:

I was parked with my sails eased. I may have had some slight forward motion but it wasn't much. Leeward boat approached and zoomed upward, I came over on my helm with everything I had but it wasn't enough - Patrick bore away slightly and I don't think there was any contact (but it was close).

I still haven't heard a clear explanation of the rights and wrongs here.

Todd's reply implicates that I should have anticipated Patrick's move and started to sheet in - but anticipating a potential action of another boat is something that I don't believe the rules or a protest committee will expect you to do. (However, anticipating that you are actively putting yourself in jeopardy of a rule infraction is...for instance, barging and finding yourself too late to abort without hitting something).

So is the consensus that the windward boat should sheet in, accelerate, and sail up to head to wind? If so, how fast is fast enough when sheeting in?

Jake Kohl