I'd say Hobie Cat USA is VERY responsive. I lowered the cost of the Hobie 20 trampoline several years ago due to concerns like these. I have been pricing all of the trampolines with an eye on what is available out there from other suppliers. I know people have a choice. Racers only account for about 10% of the business we do, so we have a much bigger picture we have to be aware of when considering the recreational market for these things. Actually we have Hobie 16 tramps for far less than what you can get at Sunrise. The colored mesh are only about $20.00 more and all are class legal.

Let me just clarify:

Hobie Cat makes all of our tramps and sails here in Oceanside California. We have made our own since the company was based in Irvine and brought the McKibben loft in-house. This goes for all US Models / can’t say for HC France models. I think allot of their stuff is made in Europe, but some are likely made in Hong Kong. We have been very aware over the years that buying off shore can save money, but it costs jobs here. Most of what we do now is better served by building here due to more factors related to flexibility and inventory levels. It is only cheaper over there if you can buy in big quantities and stock heavily.

You should understand something about the Hobie 20. The Hobie 20 was a joint Hobie Cat and private venture that was intended for export for Europe originally. It ended up as a Hobie Cat USA model. We did not have full control over that design... and once it was done and produced for a while, we didn't want to change it. You guys obviously hate it when we change things and we are VERY aware of that.

We are very cognizant of making changes that affect the class, but we are also only one part of the picture. As a manufacturer we are but one vote on the rules committee. The class has the say so on many things. Personally I have been all over the proposed changes to the Hobie 16... I just hate changes really. I am a Hobie sailor/racer first and a Hobie company man second. You can often find me defending what I think is right for the class.

A statement was made about all of the differences in a Wave sail as evidence of something. The Wave was never intended as a race boat, so we COULD make changes to make the boat better. Actually, we have made very few changes as it is. I have no idea what Rick is looking at as far as luff curve changes. Maybe he has seen an original proto type sail or old Mylar ones that we had from pre-production days.

We have two things going on here.

Some people want changes / some people don't want changes.

It is a difficult line to walk. You just can't do it right for everyone. Sometimes we have to make changes due to supplier issues or safety issues (CompTip), other times we are forced to make changes to keep up with the market place (lowered boat weights in the early 80's) and sometimes we are forced to make changes due to popular demand and class decisions. Just review what is going on in the 14/16 forum recently.

Rule change proposals for Hobie 14/16

Hobie Cat Forums
Matt Miller
Hobie Cat Company