Franck, You really need to quit the lies.
this quote is from Manu Boulogne who you claim is against paint: "My preference as a builder is to build in gelcoat cause
we master this system. We have also build a boat in paint to do a test in
our opinion not the best solution. But if there are builders who want to
build in paint, should be their choice as long as that builder specifies he
is not using an epoxy paint. "
You can twist it however you like, but the intelligent people see your lies.
And if you want me to stop picking on you you can always call me and ask for mercy, its not going to stop me if you call Alex and beg him to make it stop... You are a bad influence on the F18 class and a primary reason why the class is in the mess it currently finds itself. The fact that you believe you are right when everyone here is telling you that you have it wrong is proof that you are not interested in the class members but only your own agenda.
Andrew, as I'm not in a marketing speech (which you say are not believable) so there is no lie
I write
"-Not big builder against small: Manu Boulogne is for gel coated finish."
Your quote is:
-"My preference as a builder is to build in gelcoat cause
we master this system. We have also build a boat in paint to do a test in our opinion not the best solution"
Of course as a pro, Manu Boulogne is a TC member he cannot vote for the clarification of the rule and decide for the others builders.
That wouldn't be fair. Despite what you pretend, F18 association does not work this way
World council vote this clarification (no new rule), ISAF confirmed this clarification and improve the wording last week.
And everybody can cross check with the last TC report (
All TC builders who are using gel coat as the exterior finish wish to continue as they think that it is the best way for the Class. It is the most economical method of production, they have invested heavily in quality moulds to produce hulls with fine surfaces"
Andrew, where is the twist ?
For his product Manu Boulogne is against paint, thank you to help me to confirm.
I hope you agree with this wording.
By the way it is terrible for your technical (or marketing speech, I don't know, you make it a bit confused) point of view.
You remember you write:
"Paint is proven to be a quicker method to complete a hull as you can spray all the seams whereas gelcoat takes about 8-10 hours per hull to finish the seams."
Proven is here a very interesting word. It's your fully respectable analysis.
Here Macca "your" truth is not everybody truth. That is now proven, thank you again.
Indeed, I ask Alex Udin to stop all personnal attack (not only for me...).
Because first, that only show that you've got poor arguments.
Most important I think that F18 deserved better than ridiculous personnal attack.
And I always prefer talking to the boss, in this case the boss of the company you work for.
A lot of people read this thread, they have two sounds, not only one, that is my only goal.
For this I 'me evil for you, that is your truth but may be not everybody truth (as for gel-coat).
We can have a beer in Carnac (If you've got time after protest room, that I sincerely do not wish for you

You should know that 10 satisfied people make less noise than one unsatisfied one.
Everybody understand you're not satisfied.
As old man I can say that being unsatisfied is not good for business.
Please tell me more about my own agenda, trying to be allusive is also a typical sad path.
Just one more thing.
There is a very simple way to prevent your today situation.
If you want to make F18 with a "brand new process" or service.
Just ask if the rules allow that before.
TC can answer, or if there is no consensus, WC can make a clarification.
It works ! And in this kind of move, you show respect to F18 community
Take time to think about that. I hope you'll see it's far more clever attitude.