"... a lighter and smaller version of the hard decked 19' Pacific cat...."
I've sailed a P-cat for many years now.
Great boat for its time and tougher than nails. Sailing it has been lots and lots of fun.
It has been the finest for goof off sailing, beach camping and scuba diving in Mexico. Dragging it around behind a mini van to accommodate 4 of us, camping and scuba gear was a breeze.
Since I purchased a Stiletto 27 to give us better range, the ability to boat camp, and to cross Mexico's Sea of Cortez to the Baja, I haven't used it much.
If you want a great platform, its all there and I'll give it to you if you want to transport it from the Bear Lake area of Idaho where it is now sitting (no trailer).
While you're there, we can goof off sail on one of the several beach cats I still have, I'll flip some burgers for you and you can help me re-step the mast on the Stiletto 27.
Is life good or what...?
Last edited by tomthouse; 05/11/12 08:25 AM.