The class is alive and active. At leadt here in NL,but I think it suffers from high expectations just like the other new (singlehanded) classes. People today expect that each event is filled with participants but that is something that each new class has to grow into. So we arrive at a "Chicken 0r Egg" kind of problem. At this junction there is not much Hobie can do to change that unless they start giving away boats. At least that is the story overhere. Same applies to the I-17 and others.

A second reason is that alot of recreational sailors are attracted to the FX, I-17 and others; recreational sailors who for a long time stay invisible as they don't compete outside their own local races.

Also both the FX and I-17 experience alot of competition from the A-cats when it comes down to sailors who are interested in exclusive singlehanding.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands