Are you suggesting that hockey players check themselves into a penalty box when they make an infraction?
Are you saying they shouldn't?
I've been playing hockey for 15+ years, in my opinion sports such as hockey are governed by the refs. If a ref decides to not enforce a rule, full advantage is taken of it without question. If one of my team members behaved the way you suggest, they would be finding a new team each season.
Should sailing be that way? I am nt suggesting that.
I am NOT saying that.
What I am saying is that I can foul someone on the ice and for the most part can have a beer and laugh about it and move on.
When you protest someone, they seem to take it as a personal attack, then you become mortal enemies for the rest of your sailing life. Rather than just something that happens at every race at all levels of sailing.
I have been involved in protests at local, National and World levels. The higher you go up the more civil and professional the incident, protest, arbitration, hearing, decision procees is.
One of the difficult aspects is that many times, the perception of the situation, which both parties manipulate to defend themselves.
I have sat on MANY juries. It is usually pretty obvious who has a legitimate protest and who is trying to wiggle out of a penalty they know they committed.
Played, coached or officiated hockey since 1966. Damn I'm old!!!!
If your in the Northeast we have the Madslapper drop in HOCKEY the Friday before Madcatter Regatta