The 17 is fine - but competition is a real issue for me. I don't have anyway to put a mixed team together nor do I care to boot my now regular crew to the curb.
You don't necessarily have to boot your crew, medical research has come a long way you know.

Dont really have an opinion on the N17, its a tool for the Olympic path but I don't think many people will leave their trusted F16/F18 fleets behind just yet.
As 2nd hand boats come available there could be some people who pick one up but unless you have the skills to compete at worldcup level you will just be sailing on handicap.
IMHO the 2nd hand boats sailed by the current teams will be pretty worn out though considering how much TOW they get.
The mixed sailing is cool though and good to see that it is growing in F18 as well (one third of the teams at our last major regatta where mixed).