Just something to consider: if we want manufacturers to keep building these things, maybe we should stop doing things like taking away all hope of profit by demanding hulls be replaced over a few pounds, or refusing to buy them, especially if there is data that shows it doesn't matter on the race course. I doubt they sell enough of these to sustain that for very long.
Building an F18 at min weight can be done and can be done at a profit. I got off my Infusion because it was heavy (yes I disclosed plus it was on the cert) and got a C2 because they had (at the time) a very strong reputation of coming in right on the money plus the C2 was available and the Mk II wasn't. Jill and AHPC where very smart in how they dealt with the heavy boats, has any of the other provider done that? Could be the reason why the C2 appears to have taken over the US F18 fleet. So Mike, doing it the right way makes money too!