Yep!.... I deliberately skirted the rules on qualifiers to cover my clubs costs.
Apparently you did the same..
In fact...the last round of qualifiers were ALL not valid. (that is the only one I saw data for all Areas.)
It was a nice harmless racket... but it was a racket!
We're not on the same page. We didn't skirt any rules to cover costs. We continued to run our qualifiers in a manner consistent (actually, quite improved) from iterations in the past. New rules were placed upon us by a select few within US Sailing that made it more difficult (rather impossible in some cases) to comply. I tried to strike a balance between servicing the needs and desires of our local sailors and complying with new rules that we didn't get a say on, that didn't benefit us, and in many ways degraded the quality of the event. That said, we did have several years of 100% compliance in my area.
Our qualifiers were not a "racket". We ran clean fair contests and had legitimate winners and/or runner-ups that went on to participate in the championship.