Originally Posted by H17cat
Originally Posted by Timbo
Here's some things I'd like to see US Sailing provide:

1. access to cheap butt boat insurance
2. access to every US Sailing Center's boats, in the country, where I could walk in, show my card and rent one of their sailboats on the spot, with no BS about liability insurance or taking a class, etc. (I was able to do this on layovers in England, where I joined the RYA)

The problem is, it becomes a Chicken or the Egg type thing. To get more members, you need to offer more stuff, but more stuff costs more money, which you need more members to provide. So how do you get more members to join and spend money, if you don't have much to offer?

You'll need a deep pocket donor to get it started, call Larry. Give him a lifetime membership, tell him you want to start and promote more kids multihull programs, and buy some Hobie Waves and H16's, etc.

I hate most traditional Yacht Clubs, because most of them hate Catamarans. Maybe this AC will change some of their opinions, but I'm not holding my breath. I doubt most of them would allow you to park 10 Hobie 16's or Waves on their beach, if they even have a beach. US Sailing needs to have it's own sites, away from the stuffy traditional, Opti Only type Yacht Clubs.

Hey Tim, we have a US SAILING Center in Seattle, Sail Sand Point www.sailsandpoint.org There are six H-16's and seven Waves, ready, mast up and just 50ft from Lake Washington. Any time you or any of our Catsailors are in the area, we can get you on the water. No test required, just mention my name, and I can vouch for you.


Thanks for the offer Caleb, if/when I get to Seattle agian I will look you up. Do you mind if I tell my Delta Pilot friends about your club? Delta has a pilot base in SEA now, with the North West merger, and they are going to increase the size of the base, adding more flights, more pilots, etc. Hopefuly I can get you some more club members.

SEA was always one of my favorite layovers, lots of great stuff to see and do there. That's also where I got addicted to Starbucks and Red Hook beer of course, back in about 1989!

Blade F16