Just got this email from Warren Green:
We are fast approaching a do or die for the Florida 300. We have all agreed: There must be 10 boats registered and committed with a deposit of $100 by March 15th or there will be no race. We feel sure of 8 now. There are so many things left to do and we need registrations. Our formal and legal structure is required to get the insurance, and we will not commit to this without sailor commitments. We are ready to go but need registrations. Our new corporation will be “Sail Series promotions Inc”, if no complications. The SI is in preparation, the committee is at work. Our dates are May 19-22, 2014. Our locations are secured. Our web site to get forms and see the NOR is www.florida300.com We start at the Islander resort in the Florida Keys and end in Cocoa Beach.

Warren Green

Developing committee member

Rick White
Catsailor Magazine & OnLineMarineStore.com