You need to get out more. Not every event has to be run the same way, nor the way you personally desire.
No one is a bigger stickler for rules than I am, but rules can and do change. What is important is that they be clear and the consequences be well understood.
I'd love to see how you can allow unlimited communications, but censor the conversations on private devices. Get back to me when you have an answer for that one...
(I know, it's easier to just accuse me of promoting cheating, isn't it?)
Get over yourself.I called you irrelevant, not a cheater. You have nothing to do with this race and aren't a distance racer, and obviously don't know near as much as you think you do, so how 'bout quit trolling and go back to the Hobie 16 forum.
...having no solution, you're back to slinging insults. So helpful to your relevancy.
Go back a few posts, you most definitely accused me of making a case to break rules. How is that not calling me a cheater?
Jake and Eric make great points, that this could basically be handled as a gentleman's agreement and protested under the existing rules. I would caution against too much naïveté, it only takes one bad situation to ruin the reputation of an event. And ultimately, I care deeply about this.