I figured we need to address this in a separate thread to the Square-top thread, even tho it is partially related it doesn't need to mess up that thread.
So what ideas can we come up with that will get the not-so active mozzie sailors a bit more active and encourage a few new people to the swarm ????
aside from the MOSQUITO wording down the sail as discussed already...
here's a few of mine.....
The '
+65 class'It sounds wrong to me for starters, is the boat 65 or is the sailor 65 or is the skipper and crews ages combined to make 65 or is it 65 kilos per hull or 65 for both or is it the 65kilos the missus has packed on since we met ..... what the hell does the +65 stand for ??
why cant we call something like the "classic class" or "original class", that would still leave it open for eldely sailors to run their boat as a veteran sailor, => no confusion.
+65 class also needs to be far more encouraged to attend state or national titles.
Discounted entry fees for first timers ?
A handicapped start in front of the 'modern mozzies' say 2 legs worth of a head start !!!

(I'd need all of that & then some

Participation 'trophy',
(we had our car clubs trophy night recently and EVERYONE got a glass with the club logo on it whether they won or ran dead last, it was a funny night as "trophies" were awarded for some of the most stupid things members did, these awards didn't overshadow the real winners of the night but everyone felt happy with going home with a trinket they deserved)For the costs of an entry fee surely a mozzie glass cant eat up that much of the fee or budget !!!
Every participant should receive something for their hard earned cash in my opinion, we pay for the boat we pay the entry we pay for the fuel we pay for accomondation we pay and pay again and again and we get in return.....
Merchandise : the web-site's 'shop'....
shop link where's the photos of what your looking to buy ???
what exactly is the "clothing items".... are we talking jocks or sox or jumpers ???
Where do I get a rashie with a mozzie logo on the back?
Where can I get a mozzie sail logo for my trap-jacket ?
At a recent regatta I was supprised on how many people wore a club hoody, is there a hoody forsale with the national or state associations lettering/logo on it or am I stuck with "clothing items" and taking the punt I get a green bra with an 11 on one 'boob' and an 82 on the other

a pictures worth a thousand words

Love Mick Floyd's (vmca) photoBucket picture albums and I'm sure we've all glanced through the many pics several times..... I was however supprised I haven't asked for the photos I and others took to be used on the associations website after the Vic state titles at Portarlington, seems the only place they exist is here on the forum (linked from my bucket account) and yet I belive they should be held onsite at the website for the future.
If I crack the shytes and simply move the pics then you guys have diddly squat to look at, the whole lot could be gone with a single click !!
SAVE THEM FOR THE FUTURE, I'm more than happy to have them stored for the future sailors of the mozzie.... do I offer them or does someone ask for them ??
who do I contact or who contacts me ???
anyone who has photos of their or others boats should be able to have them hosted on the site
Web-site: NOR attendance page:
why isn't there a section for any or all regattas at which mozzie sailors are attending listed on the website
I'd be more inclined to travel to a regatta that I know other mozzie sailors are going to..... who wouldn't !!!
other than a few of us posting up our local regattas here on the forum that we are going to why isn't there a home base list of what we are all up to ?
thoughts ??