Thanks for the vid post...

That is my favorite disaster move... a peter pan (maybe tinkerbell in the god for saken MIXED displine) off the back of the boat... into a stuff and then right into a turtle...

It looked like the wave action was a bigger factor then the wind... It sure doesn't look like 30 knots ...does it?

So... T foils or more bow in a longer boat... Oh... you don't say... ISAF choose NEITHER! Wonder why?
(Jake explained why if you put the C foils on... you have to put the T foils on as well... so thanks for helping make my point! (grin)

I wonder why other classes never thought that marketing crash and burn disaster flicks was the way to grow the sport... they must be stupid or something.

Sadly, ISAF did put cat sailors on these committees...and so we own the result.

Last edited by Mark Schneider; 04/03/14 02:51 PM.