Were you paying attention to one of the greatest America's Cup's ever? (and, no, I'm not talking about the fact that they had foils on the rudders). The boats were on the verge of wiping out and it was exciting.

Actually NO... i don't remember the boats on the verge of wiping out... Fact of the matter.. they put wind limits on to MAKE SURE the boats had little chance of crashing...

What I remember was the incredible racing where the winner figured out their boat resulting in an epic RACING comeback.

What I remember is the one almost wipe out came when the guys hydralic failed and the wing did not pop.

In fact... had the AC been about crashing and burning... and avoiding sudden death... chances are there would be no more cats in the event..

Pitchpoles and turtles are NOT winning messages.

Last edited by Mark Schneider; 04/03/14 03:03 PM.
