So.... Its earlyish on a Friday night and the foredecks and rear decks are done, Phil arrives and after an inspection of the recent works we put on our rubber gloves and the mains are fitted

![[Linked Image]](
poor Phil didn't expect the
harder to fit mains, after all its only 4mm ply and we've just done 3mm.... how much harder can 4mm be over 3mm... well for starters is 1/4 as much thicker again, its being curved over the widest part of the hull, yeah its a major fight in comparision.
After deck number 1 was down and done we both needed a well earned break before doing the other main deck....
it was a late night for sure

the finished rear deck is just in shot, fine shaping is done and the hatch hole cut and cleaned

The sun is being lazy this morning but as soon as (or if) it shows the boat will do some basking, it wont take much as the resin has already cured well and is just the slightest bit tacky to the touch this morning....
On a happier and completely non related note, my new wetsuit arrived during the week