And, forget this asterisk crap. Either give them the win, or take it away. Again, the league needs to have some balls here.
Pretty sure this quote from earlier in the thread just about sums up the asterisk issue.
They can either prove it, or not. Sounds to me like they couldn't find enough proof to really pin it on anyone. Circumstantial "evidence" is nonsense in a case like this.
Actually he's punished because he refused to cooperate fully. It's funny how you ignore the facts because your a fan boy. Try the honest approach, you should be pissed that he chose to embarrass himself and his team and for that matter all fans of the team and the league as a whole. When you cheat you steal from others. Your happy with that? And is any wonder we find ourselves with more rules and laws and oversight. It's because of people like this that cheat and steal. Frankly he's getting off light.
Fanboy? Not even close. Read through this thread again for my thoughts on Brady and the team. I've actually shared my thoughts on Brady through the years here. Hint: I'm not remotely a fan of him as any sort of role model.
Keep in mind, the media today is incredibly biased in their reporting. Where you live will probably dramatically alter what you hear. Couple that with your own biases, and we'll all reach different conclusions.
My point, though, was much simpler. They think he cheated, can't prove it, and penalized him anyways.