Hi Jake,
the welds look good! What kind of technique and tech are you welding with?
It's a relatively inexpensive 110V Century 140 wire feed MIG welder that I picked up on ebay for about $300 or $400 with a cart a few years ago. I upgraded it with a spindle adapter so I could run a big 10lb spool of wire (which lasts an impressive amount of time!). I then added a gas pack so I wouldn't need to use the flux core wire and am running an Argon/CO2 mix. I was pretty frustrated with this machine out of the box (actually, I thought my struggles were due to bad technique and a lack of skill) but I recently discovered that the distance between the wire tip and the end of the copper gas shroud was too far apart. After reducing the shroud length to get the tip closer to the opening of the shroud and closer to the material, it functioned properly and I could finally start refining my technique. This unit only has enough power to weld up to 12 gauge material but is suitable for most of the things I need it for. It would be nice to have a 220V model, though.
As far as technique, around that inside corner where the post and the plate met, I "walking the tip" which is something I learned from a youtube channel. This guy can do unbelievable things when melting metal and shares a great deal of knowledge on his channel about all kinds of welding.
20160130_164537 by
Jake Kohl, on Flickr