Actually, one (or two) good things about this whole train-wreck? Being in a swing state, I had the luxury of meeting BOTH candidates and one ex-president within the span of a week.
Had I only known to wear an "UNDECIDED" t-shirt I could probably have had them kissing my keister, but that's for the next election I guess.
And I will give serious props to the kool-aide drinkers otherwise known as Campaign Aides who have got to be the most motivated, hard-working millenials I've ever seen. They must live on red-bull and Nyquill as most looked so strung out last week I thought they'd collapse.
When I asked an 'aide' an "off-message" question, the response reminded me of the Star Trek (season 2 episode 12; I, Mudd)... "I am not programmed to respond in that area"