I agree Mark. The science says global climate change is real. it's confirmed by 97% of climate scientists. But the oil and other energy interests who see a cratering of their bottom line have used FUD to convince the low information types that it's a scam. Look at the screeching our favorite RINO Todd projects.

Todd was also fun to watch when he was screeching about the demise of the 100 watt incandescent light bulb. A program that George W. Bush championed. Ol' Todd was literally fighting his own best interests i.e. reducing his power bill.

And it's not just the wing nuts that get taken up with the anti-science rants.

Years ago, the City of Berkeley, California decided that the styrofoam food containers used by fast food joints were a environmental disaster. They wanted them to convert to waxed paper. Huge demonstrations, letters to the editor, the whole deal. In the middle of it all, the company that made both type of containers issued a press release stating that waxed paper was actually worse as it took forever to break down in land fills and were quite a bit more expensive.

Did Berkeley back off? Nope. Their minds were made up and waxed paper use became the law.

So, will Todd, confronted with overwhelming evidence, ever change his mind about climate change? Nope. His ego won't let him.

And when Trump turns out to be an unmitigated disaster helping only himself and his ilk while leaving the people that believed in him worse off than they were with Obama, will Todd change his mind? Ego strikes again.

US Sail Level 2 Instructor
US Sail Level 3 Coach