Hi Bob hi Brian
really good thoughts Brian ,-agree

though forsee the need for a min boat weight for production boats in a seperate class category ,---How hard is this to add really? --All start and race together ,you just designate the heavier production boats and give em trophies too --

Alternatively -It might just be noted as a consideration for next season after racing gets established ,--then again many may deem it much more fair and modify their production boat for that reason . If a lightweight flyer dominates racing it will discourage others with production boats ,--again these exist in large numbers ,can be modified inexpensively ,and really should be the priority and focus of the class .--Fast fun inexpensive racing for all .

Include the fun innovators and home builders in a more open class 14 category ,-all racing together from the same start ,-- The logos look great ,by the way ,--a nice bright color so the RC can easily spot F-14s when finishing , and a 24 inch sq decall made available ,-up Bob,s alley as sail loft .
Back to the boat weight 2 category idea--
I can not see competing with a 100 Lb lighter boat in the same {class} ,-though someone like Bob is very capable of taking a modified { though 100Lb heavier } H -14 and winning easily due to the human element and sailing ability.

Do like the individual handicap idea ,though generally applied and ajusted in local group racing ,--after you win one of handicap your allowed handicap is moved up enough so another wins ,--by the end of the season everyone wins one !! nice way to encourage new and youth sailors into a local club or the Wed evening series .

The 2 category concept can be implimented anytime .