Darryl, aren't you saying the same thing I said -- that foilers should be in a separate classification or separate class? I still don't see what that has to do with whether a boat has two hulls or three hulls in a Formula 14 class. In fact, why wouldn't it allow monohulls, too? The class name and the rules don't mention "multihull."
The rules also don't prohibit foils, but I imagine that will be addressed. Or maybe that would be one of the "sub-classes" alluded to in the rules.
It's kind of funny how this whole thing has mushroomed. It all started with Bob Curry coming up with the idea of forming an informal Formula 14 class so the Hobie Waves and Mystere 4.3's and Hobie 14's could race together. Well, that didn't last long! Within a day or two it had turned into a development class. At this point it is still just an idea. We'll see what happens this weekend at Spring Fever when the Formula 14 class makes its debut.
If Australia already has had a Formula 14 class for a long time, why don't you send the constitution and rules to Bob Curry? The people who gave input to forming a Formula 14 class here were certainly not thinking on an international scale and I don't think anybody was aware that such a class already existed in some other part of the world.