Mary, I and a lot of 14' sailors here (and I bet elsewhere) had no input into any discussion concerning a formula 14 because, quite simply we were not aware that there was any discussion going on about it, and every day, due to my business, I come in contact with catamaran sailors who's first knowledge, even of this forum, is when I tell them!
But what I think is happening here is that there has been a "failure of communication". What I feel should be happening is that Bob should perserve with an F14, FOR EXISTING CATS, by the inclusion of a spinnaker etc, and call it, up front something like the suggestion that has been made here, a "grandfather F14 class". and then, from the surprisingly good interest that has been shown in a development class, a "NEW" development F14 catamaran class for the creation of a new generation of catamarans to follow along the path that has been generated along the lines of the success of F18's and, it appears, the F16 catamarans.