The Matrix System (MS) stacks the deck, yielding inequitable results, at ALL levels.
The MS becomes even more inequitable when a team misses a race or two.

Promotion Relegation always STACKS the top skippers sailing together.
The Matrix system does not create the same fleet structure as 'Promotion Relegation'.

It is a magnitude harder to get a bullet when all the TOP DOGS sail together, they did not sail with the same level off of competition in each race. (basic fault of the MS)

It is so easy to critique the Matrix System (vs Promotion Relegation). I am sure you can think of more.

1. Race 9 Top Dog did NOT sail against Big Dog.
2. Comparing race 15: Big Dog did NOT sail against anyone in the Top Five teams.
3. The Matrix system does not create the same fleet structure as 'Promotion Relegation'.
4. Results could easily change by rearranging the Matrix, when a single point can make a difference. Who sails vs. Who/When?
5. The Matrix system stacks the deck, yielding inequitable results, at ALL levels.
6. The MS deck becomes even more inequitable when a team misses a race or two.
7. MS may require four to six races per round, when PR requires only two Heats per race.

A good scoring system should be consistent with level of competition in each race as is 'promotion relegation'.

Do you believe in a system where we can debate who had the tougher draw is equitable?
It reminds me of 'College football championships'.
'Promotion Relegation' would have not such discussion.

The PR system of scoring is more equitable and has been in use over 10 years now in the R/C community.

The MS does not create the same fleet structure 'PR' makes.
The MS stacks the deck, yielding inequitable results, at ALL levels.
Promotion Relegation always keeps 'THE BEST' sailing together.

The most common response is 'it is to complicated', NOT true!

The beauty of the Equal Opportunity Racing System (EORS) is that the result of each race is in the skipper's hands. Each skipper has a chance to win every 'race'. This is done by dividing each race into a series of heats. For larger events expect that there will be an A heat, a B heat and possibly a C heat. (Heats are sometimes called 'fleets'.)

"Promotion Relegation (PR)" is a fair scoring system that emphasizes SKILL over a bit of luck using the current "matrix" scoring system for the ALTER CUP where results could easily change by rearranging the Matrix, when a single point can make a difference. Who sails vs. Who/When?

Click below for EORS example after preliminary races.