
What is up with that purple "thing" you are wearing?

It is a spray overall. The top 1/3 is green and the botton 2/3 is purple. I used to have a green bouyancy aid with that both that one died some time ago. The stuff I'm wearing is old. The wetsuit, which you can't see, is from later 1970's and the Trapeze harness (diaper) is of about 1975.


Whatever it is, it makes your trapeze harness look like a big diaper .

Yep, I've heard similar comments before. This is however still the best harness I ever wore, with the possible exception of long distance races. Here I use my magic marine harness with inproved back support.

Laugh all you want, I'm not going to change harnesses. The oldy I'm wearing is called "a Tony" after its maker. A elite group of sailor will know immediately what is meant by a "Tony". I think the guy stopped making these over 20 years ago.


And why dont you and your crew wear any gloves?

I can only speak for myself. I forget to put them on in the hurry to get to that start line.


BTW, I saw a Taipan 4.9 at a short long-distance race last weekend (#186???).

That was Geert Ruesink and his crew Raymond.


It was interesting to see how the FX1 compared to the 4.9.

Rumour has it that the Taipan was second around the top mark !

Were you sailing singlehanded, with spi ?


With Force 4 winds they where probably advantaged by sailing two-up, having a jib, and maybe having some more experience.

Yeah and those extra 80 kg of weight (crew) on board was an advantage as well. This sounds alot like the typical arguments to explain why some other crew wasn't doing better.


They finished 12th, I finished 16th (Out of 38).

Sounds like a good result. Do you have a link to the full results ?

I assume these are the handicapped results and not the elapsed time listing ?

Will be interesting to look at the elapsed times.


Not to big a difference to upgrade I guess

Are you basing that conclusion upon the HANDICAPPED results listing ? I mean the whole point of handicapping is to take out the inequalities between boats. Under the assumption of comparable skills you will have to end up next to one-another on the listing even though one design of the two may be way faster then the other.

Unless I'm mistaken and you were giving elapsed time placings (no handicap corrections)

Are you going to Jazz and Sail ?


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands