Were you sailing singlehanded, with spi ?
Yes, uni and spi...
Yeah and those extra 80 kg of weight (crew) on board was an advantage as well. This sounds alot like the typical arguments to explain why some other crew wasn't doing better.
The T4.9 is about 50kgs lighter than the FX1, so the overall weight with crew and all is probably about the same. Its just that with crew you can push a little bit harder, especially with the kite up when you can point higher.
Sounds like a good result. Do you have a link to the full results ?
I'll PM you with my email adres, reply to that and I'll send you the full results. (Excel file).
I assume these are the handicapped results and not the elapsed time listing ?
Yes, handicapped.
Are you going to Jazz and Sail ?
Nope, we're running our own cat regatta here in Medemblik. But will you goto Pampus? The current entries say there's gonna be a Mystere F16 competing...