This is not exactly relative to the thread in one way, but it really is.
Regattas are the crux of how we get people into the sport.
So, promoting a regatta in every form possible brings more people into the fold to show them the fun.
Yet, most events are hyped and promoted to the max of affordability of the fleets. All in the hopes of gaining more people and gaining more sailors.
Great! Love it!
But, then after the race is over there is nothing but total radio silence. What happened? Who lost? Who crashed? Where are the people pictures? Where are the sailing pictures?
Usually nothing!
Funny, but publicizing the results, stories and pictures of an event that just happened is great promotion for the next year's event.
Funnier, that most fleets just go dead after an event. Nothing! Total radio silence! It eerie!
For example, Nigel and Mr. Ernie really go to the wall to promote Spring Fever and do a bang up job. What a great regatta.
But, this is the first year anyone has ever heard any results of it. The reason: Mary and I were there and did an indepth story. Otherwise, you would have heard nothing.
Every year we try to get something, but nothing.
I know it is exhausting to put on a regatta and when it is over you just want to crash and relax until next year. But, it is not OVER! You must report on what happened.
I really believe that the best promotion for your regatta is a story, results and pix of the past one.
Since Mary handed me the reins of the magazine I have seen a sharp learning curve. Three major regatta organizer promised me stories, results and pix.., nothing! Radio Silence!
In the last issue we published stories on small regattas.., hell! Why not. Anyone that sends us a story will be published.
But, no one sends anything. And we should not have to check each website to see stories and results. Not our job.., IT"S YOURS!
Want to promote sailing? Get it in the media by simply sending whatever you have.
Perhaps you are seeing why Mary quit!
I know I go nuts every year just trying to get people to get their schedules to me and/or update their websites. aaaagggghhhh!
I know! We are all volunteer folks and have real jobs. Great excuse! <img src="" alt="" />