Jake is right, catamarans are not liked by those in the mono-slugs. It's mostly due to serious boat envy, IMHO.
"Fast lightweight cats are not liked by those in the Hobie-slug clubs either. It's most due to serious boat envy, IMHO."
Am I serious? Only in some ways.
Basically, if cat people have the attitude that monos are slugs, why shouldn't the "slug sailors" get a little narky towards the cat sailors who insult their boats?
Maybe the problem is your attitude towards their boats, not their attitude to your boat?
Having moved into cats (while still sailing dinghies, yachts and windsurfers) it seems that there may be more bias from cat sailors against monos, than there is from monos against cats.
If there is some bias against cats, it could be born from the fact that in most places, it's those who prefer and sail monos who teach kids how to sail in Sabots and Optis; who train the kids into 420s etc; and then face cat sailors saying "hey, now you've spent hundreds of hours teaching your kids while we cat sailors have been sailing our own boats, we want to turn your kids into cat sailors".