Not as competitive as a new F18. The fact that modified Tigers do well in European F18 fleets doesn't mean that (stock ?) second hand Tigers are "right off" competitive in F18 fleets. [color:"red"]We all know how serious crews buy a Tiger only to strip it completely to give it full work over before even racing the first race ? With the newer tigers this workover is less then before because Hobie are producing the boats with better sails now, but [color:"blue"]still the Tiger gets a workover[/color] like any other production F18[/color].
Wouter - I would like to know about the changes that you know of that they are making to the Formula 18s, specifically Tigers, but anything will help. Besides the fact that the main and spinnaker sail shapes have changed. Sounds like you know of some ideas that could be incorporated in our rather "low tech" region. We, California, do not seem to change anything on the boats. We are heading for Europe this summer and would like to be somewhat competitive. If you could clue us North Americans in...I for one would really appreciate it.