Thanks Keith,
I went out on an H16 this past weekend with Cary Palmer. It was really light air so I didn't get the full picture. I helped him step the mast and I was able hold the mast over my head while he jumped up on the tramp to take it from me. I am not sure if I could have walked it all the way up or not but I think I could have with some effort. (really not sure) I would have to try it to be certain. We pulled it up on a carpeted dock easily but I didn't do it alone. It really didn't seem unmanageble to me. I need some more experience with it. I will let the lake warm up a bit before I ask someone to knock their boat over for me. That is what I am really curious about.
How is the H17 different?
The 17 is designed to be a single-hander. The original rig has only a main (uni rig). The hull shape is different from the 16, and it has centerboards and hiking wings. There is a sport version that adds a jib, but the uni version is what is raced.
As for raising and lower a mast - you'll find that most boats that is most safely done with two people. However, there are setups that allow the use of the trailer winch to raise the mast on your own.