Here the last of the H16 post on the new open forum and I leave out the posters names so they have a choice to post their names or not. I will add a comment at the end of this posting.
<br>H16 with Spinnaker:
<br>Does anyone know the Texel Rating for a Hobie 16 with spinnaker? Thanks for the help.
<br>Spi<21sq. m. deduct 3 points H16 spi =116-3=113:
<br>Texel is not the discriminative of genakers just deduct 3 points when spi is smaller than 21 sq. mtr.
<br>Trapseat Spinnaker and numbers:
<br>I have to add that in the Trapseat class we use a 400 square foot spinnaker in are match racing regattas. I don't know if size has any effect the Texel rating or the PN rating for that matter. Maybe someone who is more up on the PN and Texel numbers can enlighten us.
<br>Sorry if I am posting on this site more than some would like but I thought the questions and answers from the open forum would be beneficial on our forum.