Hi. Just recently, the mainsail, boom, blocks, and mainsheet were stolen off my H16 here in Kailua. The sail number was 67973. Color scheme was white with blue and yellow stripes at both top and bottom. (It was an old sail) Just on the off-chance that someone here on this forum might see someone sailing with my equipment, I thought I'd post it. On the same note, if anyone has an old sail/boom setup for an H16 that they would be willing to sell/rent me, I would love to hear from you. I just bought the boat, and had only taken the boat out once before everything was stolen. I will only be here for 3 more months before I have to go off to college on the mainland, and wouldl really like to get some use out of my boat despite this setback. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
<br>Kevin O'Brien
[email protected]