Anybody out there have/know of a Roleez cateez wheel they want to unload? We're down to three.... <br> <br>Thanks - <br> <br>Lauri <br>[email protected] <br> <br>PS - Rick & Mary - love the new forum. Thanks!<br><br>
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Re: need a Roleez wheel#120 06/20/0103:16 PM06/20/0103:16 PM
Lauri, <br>Check with WF Oliver, He said previously that he might have a couple lying around. I can't say for sure though. He was able to help out one of our local sailors with a wheel and an axel recently. <br>Good Luck, <br>Doug Wilkins<br><br>
Re: Roleez Toll Free Number#121 06/21/0109:38 AM06/21/0109:38 AM