When looking at A Class cats either in the flesh or photograph you might have noticed the A Class insignia is practically on every mainsail irrespective of manufacturer. The majority of sailors here in the UK including a fair few Cat sailors haven't a clue about the Stealths, Blades and prospective Viper being manufactured to the Formula 16 box rule. I think that having a Class insignia on all our mainsails would help promote the Class and therefore each individual manufacturer in turn. I even thought of this whilst not under the influence of alcohol so take it easy on the reply front!!
Re: F16 Mainsail logo
[Re: Mark P]
#122041 11/02/0712:49 PM11/02/0712:49 PM
I remember a discussion on this some time ago. Perhaps someone can answer the question "why dont we have a large mandatory F-16 logo on our mainsails"?
I remember a discussion on this some time ago. Perhaps someone can answer the question "why dont we have a large mandatory F-16 logo on our mainsails"?
We could, it just needs a proper pattern and a change in the class rules to say you must have one !
Mark, I remember this was discussed at length some time back. I don't think anything official was decided however I think (and I could be wrong because I've not looked up the discussion) the consensus was to place the F16 logo on the bottom or 2nd bottom panel near the leach, which is at eye level when walking past boats on the beach. The Mossies do this and it looks really good.
More importantly :- Why are you sober, and what on earth got you thinking while in this unfamiliar state? <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
Regards, Phill
I know that the voices in my head aint real, but they have some pretty good ideas. There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!
Re: F16 Mainsail logo
[Re: phill]
#122046 11/03/0711:54 AM11/03/0711:54 AM
I agree with your idea. I also think the logo's should always be at the same spot. All logo's are in the top of the main and on pictures that is the part that's not hidden behind other sails...?
Why don't manufacturers discuss this and just put it in their sails standard. I think nobody would mind.
Maybe some stickers could be sold at the next global challenge....
1, set at the top of the sail 2, at the bottom (2nd panel from the bottom) so that they are seen on the beach and when people take low dow action shots.
I've a Graphic somewere at home (thanks to someone on here) that I used when I made my Balsa Epoxy parts for my mast rotation.
As while back it was decided to reserve the spot in the top of the sail for the company that makes that particular F16 and to have the F16 class logo near the leech at eye level in the bottom part of the sail.
I think we should stay with that convention. Actually the F18's have a similar approach to logo's.
May this decision should be enforced more stringent by the GC ?
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Re: F16 Mainsail logo
[Re: Wouter]
#122049 11/04/0709:17 AM11/04/0709:17 AM
umm why do we need to put it into the rules.. Just ask and Im sure the manufacturers and sail-makers will gladly put a logo on the foot of the sail... Its in their interests to do so..
As I recall the decision.. Manufacturer logo top main.. class foot main..
Re: F16 Mainsail logo
[Re: Stewart]
#122050 11/07/0704:21 AM11/07/0704:21 AM
Get them from Robi or get them locally cut in vinyl from sighn writers, not by sailmakers in sticky back sail cloth. As the signwriters will have a tape on top that holds all the elements in place, also use water spray onto sail so you can move it if needed, before you decide it is in the right spot and squeegee out water. Sticks perfectly well to Mylar sails.
Last edited by twicebitten; 11/07/0704:31 AM.
Re: F16 Mainsail logo
[Re: ]
#122052 11/07/0705:40 AM11/07/0705:40 AM
Perhaps we whould store the hi-res version Robi (I think) sent me on the website somewhere so people can Download it and get vinyl cut stickers made up?
Better then Hi-res. Here is the vectorized version. You can print it at any scale you want. If you need .ai or .dwg file just ask. You can also cut vinyl on a cut&plot machine. If the club wants to make the logos available wastage will be minimum on a cut&plot machine, and the club can sell those a a bargain price. Tha paper that is used to hold the pieces together is called transfer paper or transfer film. If you use Vinyl with polyacrylate adhesive I'd recommend you put a tiny quantity of liquid hand soap in water and spray on the sail before, so positioning will be easier. Polyacrylate adhesive vinyl (film) usually cures completely after a few days if you use water to position the film (depends on temperature).
I can provide the AI or EPS file - needed to get them cut locally. I can also provide the actual decal to you at a discounted price, so you wont have to source it out. I ship internationally.
Let me know what you all prefer.
Re: F16 Mainsail logo
[Re: Robi]
#122056 11/07/0703:44 PM11/07/0703:44 PM