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EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? #13702
12/04/02 03:50 PM
12/04/02 03:50 PM
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Long Beach, California
John Williams Offline OP
Carpal Tunnel
John Williams  Offline OP
Carpal Tunnel

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Long Beach, California
I'm serious - I'm trying to get some defensible data together on the demographic distribution of catamaran sailors in North America. No personal info invasion intended!

Here's an example of what I need -

[color:"red"]I live in the Panhandle of Florida. I sail recreationally and competitively nation-wide on catamarans of several makes, and I own a Mystere 4.3[/color]

Any suggestions on where data like this has already been collected is welcome as well.

Thanks -


John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.
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Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13703
12/04/02 04:33 PM
12/04/02 04:33 PM
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Key Largo, FL
MaryAWells Offline
MaryAWells  Offline

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Key Largo, FL
There are 1,245 registered users on this forum. If all of them would give that information in their personal profiles, it would be a big help. Maybe your post will encourage more people to do that. Some people do not use their real names and do not provide e-mail, but I would not think that giving their sailing area and type of boat sailed would jeopardize privacy.

Mary A. Wells
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13704
12/04/02 04:40 PM
12/04/02 04:40 PM
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reidqa Offline
reidqa  Offline

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I live on the Beach in Point Pleasant New Jersey. I sail recreationally locally, and I own one of the last pre production model Hobie "14".


Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13705
12/04/02 06:24 PM
12/04/02 06:24 PM
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St Croix Virgin Islands
vicatman Offline
vicatman  Offline

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St Croix Virgin Islands
I live on St Croix US Virgin Islands.....there are 4 big regattas that the beachcats race in...the CORT series..(Caribbean ocean racing triangle) includes the St Croix International,Heinekin Puerto Rico and BVI Spring Regatta,,,,the Rolex on St Thomas...doesnt get much better than sailing and racing here in the caribbean.

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Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13706
12/04/02 06:26 PM
12/04/02 06:26 PM
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DAVEY Offline
DAVEY  Offline

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I live in w. michigan and am a recreational sailor. I bought my first sailboat, a Supercat 17, last June.

I live on a 200 acre lake and sail there, but as I get more proficient I intend to trailer to larger lakes in the state, the great lakes, and eventually fla.'s east coast.

I do intend to eventually sail competitively, but not seriously, if that makes any sense.

I probably will be in the market for a Supercat 20 next summer.

good luck with the project


You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning !
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: MaryAWells] #13707
12/04/02 07:19 PM
12/04/02 07:19 PM
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Burlington, Vermont USA
Kevin Rose Offline
Kevin Rose  Offline

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Burlington, Vermont USA

Wow! 1245 registered users? That's an impressive number. (Given what I see from regular posters, I would have thought it to be less. Must be lots of silent folks.)


I live in Burlington, Vermont. While I have logged thousands of hours on the water, from Maine to Belize, sailing is a relatively new pursuit. I now sail a Nacra 6.0 on Lake Champlain (New England's "west coast"). Mostly recreational, but we have an active local fleet of N5.8's and Hobie 16's and 18's that race every Wednesday from June through August.

Kevin Rose N6.0na #215 Lake Champlain (New England's "west coast") Burlington, Vermont
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: Kevin Rose] #13708
12/04/02 07:27 PM
12/04/02 07:27 PM
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Key Largo, FL
MaryAWells Offline
MaryAWells  Offline

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Key Largo, FL
If you go to the main index of all the forums and go all the way down to the bottom there is "Extra Information," and it shows how many registered users and the person most recently registered, etc.
And, you're right, most of them must be just reading and not posting. But at least we know there are at least that many people out there somewhere who have catamarans or are interested in catamarans, which is encouraging.

Mary A. Wells
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13709
12/04/02 07:48 PM
12/04/02 07:48 PM
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South Louisiana, USA
Clayton Offline
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South Central Louisiana, I used to do some light racing in Louisiana and the Gulf coast, but mostly recreational now. I have a H16 and Stiletto 27.

Good luck,

Clayton D.

Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13710
12/04/02 09:15 PM
12/04/02 09:15 PM
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Arizona, USA
pcatsailor Offline
pcatsailor  Offline

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Arizona, USA
I live in the middle of a desert in Tucson Az. We sail at local lakes, (three or more hours away, when there's water in them) and also in Rocky Point Mexico. We have a statewide multihull fleet, Fleet 42, and several Hobie fleets.

Heinz Smith
pacific cat 2-18 sail #10
supercat 17 sail #121
supercat 15 sail #15

Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13711
12/04/02 09:18 PM
12/04/02 09:18 PM
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mbinford Offline
mbinford  Offline

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OK, John. This is a good idea.

I live near Gainesville, Florida, and sail out of the Rudder Club in Jacksonville. Several of us in north-central Florida (Hobie Fleet 153, Dave Carlson, Commodore) sail on Lake Santa Fe when the water level is high enough. I race my A-class catamaran in regattas from Lake Hartwell, GA to Fort Pierce, FL (I intend to sail at Tradewinds in Key Largo, this January but haven't yet). My first sailboat of any kind was a Hobie 18 that I bought in 1998. The A-class cat is a terrific boat, but the other A-cat sailors are all excellent, experienced skippers so it is challenging to keep up. I also sail a Sea Pearl 21 (a cat-ketch camping cruiser with leeboards and a 6" draft) mostly on west coast of Florida from Cedar Key to the 10,000 islands and have cruised as far south as Cape Sable, the southernmost point of peninsular Florida.

Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: mbinford] #13712
12/05/02 02:38 AM
12/05/02 02:38 AM
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SF. Bay Area
mwr Offline
mwr  Offline

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SF. Bay Area
I live in West Oakland, California. I sail a mostly 1986 Hobie 18 that I have had for about a year and a half. Prior to buying the Hobie I assembled a fleet of 4 Hobie 16's at Lake Merrit in Downtown Oakland, where I worked as a volunteer. I started sailing Cats back in the early 80's on my pal's Prindle 16 out of Marina Del Rey and a few So. Cal lakes. He bought a Prindle 18.2 a few years ago and I got back into it in a big way.
I sailed about 15 days this summer, mostly on lakes in Northern Califronia whithin about 4 hours of the Bay Area. My Fiance' and I completed our first regatta (on my own boat) this July, and we almost won the whole thing!
I wish I could find others interested in these things in the Bay Area, but it is a pretty dead scene.
We plan to sailat least as much next summer.

Michael Rossney West Oakland, Ca. H-18
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: mwr] #13713
12/05/02 04:24 AM
12/05/02 04:24 AM
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Andrew Offline
Andrew  Offline

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I live on the Gulf Coast of Texas, about an hour north of Corpus Christi, and sail all over south and central Texas, occasionally venturing as far as Texoma or Lake Charles LA.

Andrew Tatton Nacra 20 "Wiggle Stick" #266 Nacra 18 Square #12
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13714
12/05/02 07:37 AM
12/05/02 07:37 AM
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Hampton, Virginia
Tracie Offline
Tracie  Offline

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Hampton, Virginia
Hi John,

Both Dennis and I live in the Hampton Roads area in Virginia and sail on the Chesapeake Bay regularly. Currently we race Nationwide on a Hobie Tiger, before that a Hobie 20. Dennis also raced an 18 Square for several years.

Good luck - let me know if I can help in anyway. Perhaps a link on the Division 9 website asking for info to be sent to you?


Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13715
12/05/02 07:54 AM
12/05/02 07:54 AM
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Orange Park, FL
RobLyman Offline
RobLyman  Offline

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Orange Park, FL
Like Mike Binford, I sail out of the Rudder Club in Jacksonville, FL. I sail an A Class most of the time and my RC-27 in a few distance races and daysailing. I generally don't travel more than 300 miles for a regatta, which gets me to races anywhere in FL and GA (Tradewinds, Spring Fever, RTI, etc..)

Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13716
12/05/02 08:18 AM
12/05/02 08:18 AM
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Key Largo
SeaWolf Offline
SeaWolf  Offline

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Key Largo
Living on Key Largo, in the Florida Keys, "B'NANA SPLIT" #59650 Hobie 16 is sailed several times weekly, both day & night. We race when races are available in this area and it's less than a twenty mile beat to the start line.
Due to a well known hydrothermal anomaly: "Tropical Slushing", a condition which prevails when beachcats are sailed in sub-79 degree surface water temperatures & slows beachcats to a snail's pace, our sailing times are reduced during winter months!
However.... we are hard at work preparing for final tests of our newest invention: the "BeachCat De-Icer & Virtual Luff Radiant Heat Amplifier" (complete with tramp ice salting modifications), and hope to produce the 1st marketable version early this coming New Year (probably just after the New Years' party!


Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: SeaWolf] #13717
12/05/02 08:38 AM
12/05/02 08:38 AM
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Pipo Offline
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I sail in Scotland (North Sea) with a Tomcat (16ft) and will move to a Hawk F18 next year. We have about 15 boats in our club and out of these 5-8 regularly race on a Wednesday night - 2 Hurricane 5.9's, 2 Hobbie 16's, 1 Dart Hawk, 1 Dart 18. We have six official events from May to September which are organised by the regional association. 43 boats took part over the year.
It is pretty cold at the moment (around freezing right now), so sailing in these conditions is very challenging *smile.

Phil Dart Hawk F18 #744 Scotland
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13718
12/05/02 10:36 AM
12/05/02 10:36 AM
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Florida Suncoast, Dunedin Caus...
catman Offline
catman  Offline

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Florida Suncoast, Dunedin Caus...
I think Mary's idea of eveyone using their personal profile area is best. Why are people afraid to put a few things down about themselves. Privacy, please do you really think you have any. We are talking about sailing here.

John you know where mine is.

Have Fun
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13719
12/05/02 11:19 AM
12/05/02 11:19 AM
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Gainesville, FL 32607 USA
dacarls Offline
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dacarls  Offline
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Gainesville, FL 32607 USA
John and Mary: This is an excellent idea. I will put a bit more in my profile.
I live in N. Florida & like to race all over Florida the same as Mike Binford who just posted, own Hobie 20, Hobie 18, A-class Bim 2000, A-class woodie: Catnip class & Prindle 19. Sail the Keys, Gulf Coast, Michigan, attended many Hobie Nationals. Sailed many types of beach cats, Rave, Trifoilers, and in monohulls cruised Bahamas, Caribbean and Hawaii. Rudder Club member (JAX), Hobie Fleet 153 Commodore.

On checking, I see some funny stuff in the user list: I think I am in there twice (plz remove- davecarls, p.11- no posts) and so is David Swingle.

A-class USA 196, USA 21, H18, H16
"Nothing that's any good works by itself. You got to make the damn thing work"- Thomas Edison
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: John Williams] #13720
12/05/02 11:38 AM
12/05/02 11:38 AM
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Québec, Canada
CharlesLeblanc Offline
CharlesLeblanc  Offline

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Québec, Canada
My name is Charles Leblanc
I live near Rimouski, Québec, Canada

I sail on Lac Matapedia, medium size lake at 45min from home
I am a member of the Val Brillant catamaran club. I do only recreationnal sailing

I own a Nacra 5.7 #123 nice boat

I use to have a Venture Cat 15
I used to sail (1998-2001) on lake Champlain, Québec side

I am looking for a smaller catamaran for next year (A cat, Isotope, Hc17, Nacra 5.2)

Charles Leblanc Nacra 5.2 #26
Re: EVERYONE - Where do you live and sail? [Re: catman] #13721
12/05/02 11:39 AM
12/05/02 11:39 AM
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reidqa Offline
reidqa  Offline

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Simple paranoid, or perhaps the posts are not based on reality. A simple fee to any of those website
specializing in providing information on people and walaa all the information you can use. Now go and buy
on the web and spam galore, your name is sold 100's of time.

I love to meet other Cat lovers, matter of fact a local fleet inquired about holiday party, and would love to party
news years eve with a couple at local beach club. No paraniod or hidden agenda here, simply love like the 60's.

Hell here is my number, call to shoot the breeze or simply say how are you 1-609-909-5008.


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