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Looking for advice on a tent #13901
12/09/02 02:44 PM
12/09/02 02:44 PM
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Norfolk, VA
Dan Berger Offline OP
Dan Berger  Offline OP

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I'm planning on doing a lot of out-of-town racing next year and I'm looking for a good tent for the camping races. A long time ago, when I was in the Boy Scouts, I had a Eureka timberline and it was great--I'm sold on getting another one unless there is something better out there. I went to a race last year and a storm came through that completely cleared out the campground and soaked everyone's gear as well as the inside if their tents. The carnage was incredible and I don't want to see my tent roll across the camp ground like some did! So, I'm looking for something extremely durable and weather proof. I also want it to be at least a 4 man tent. Weight doesn't matter (within reason) and I want to spend under $250--hopefully WAY under $250. Any recomendations out there??

Dan Berger
Norfolk, VA
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Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13902
12/09/02 04:05 PM
12/09/02 04:05 PM
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Bob Klein Offline
Bob Klein  Offline

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Tents are much like boats---what you think is a great boat, another individual considers to be a dog. Nevertheless, let me give you some advice which may help.

The first question I have for you is do you have an REI in your area? If so, go to their store and talk to their sales people. This time of year, REI has some really good sales going on. Make sure you tell the REI staff what type of camping you are doing (time of year and distance from parking to the camping site). Their sales staff are mostly experienced 'outdoors types' and I find them to be extremely helpful. If you are not satisfied with the price, go to the Northern Mountain Supply's WEB site and look for their 'killer Deal' section. You may find the same tent for far less than REI.

Also, Consumer Report Magazine rated tents approximately 1 year ago ( I am not exactly sure of the publication date). These ratings will be more of the tents that you can buy at sporting goods stores rather than at REI and places like this.

Bob Klein
Boy Scout Dad and Inter 18 sailor.

p.s If it is hot during your camping season, get a tent with lots of roof vents. Camping in the summer down here blows no matter what type of tent you own.

Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13903
12/09/02 05:27 PM
12/09/02 05:27 PM
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jonr Offline
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Here is a great web site for camping gear this should link you to the tents.;mv_pc=109&cat_id=3&subcat_id=28 or outdoor gear in general no-sailing gear. The staff knows the gear and great prices.
Good luck

Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13904
12/09/02 06:04 PM
12/09/02 06:04 PM
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catman Offline
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Try L.L.Bean. Their tents are exellent for the money. Look at the dome tents. They might cost a little more but they stay dry inside. Another place is CAMPMOR. They are online. Last I checked they carried Eureka tents.


Have Fun
Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13905
12/09/02 09:44 PM
12/09/02 09:44 PM
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Fort Loramie, Ohio
jmhoying Offline
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I'm a Sierra Designs fan myself. We backpack once or twice a summer and sometimes end up in the mountains. A couple years ago we were up at Thunder Lake in the Rocky Mountain National Park (10,500') and had rain and a little snow for almost a full day. We stayed warm and dry inside. If only we had a bathroom inside, we would of been all set. Since you won't have to worry about weight, I'm sure you can find a good tent for the price you are thinking about. Often times you pay the big bucks for the lightweight equipment, but it doesn't last as long as the heavier / cheaper stuff.
I still like your idea of loading the cat on top of a pop-up camper. Did you give up on that idea?

Jack Hoying
Fort Loramie, Ohio
Prindle 18 #1645

Jack Hoying Fort Loramie, Ohio
Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: jmhoying] #13906
12/09/02 09:52 PM
12/09/02 09:52 PM
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MaryAWells Offline
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A long time ago my sister and her husband used to carry their cat on top of a pop-up camper. Worked fine. Only problem is that you have to unload the boat before you can sleep.

Mary A. Wells
Place to go is..... [Re: Dan Berger] #13907
12/09/02 10:07 PM
12/09/02 10:07 PM
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majsteve Offline
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Texas then to the backpacking and climbing link and finally the link to tents and sleeping bags.

Lots of good equipment and great prices.

No I don't work for them or own stock I just have bought a TON of stuff from them and have ALWAYS been happy.

Try it out.


Re: Place to go is..... [Re: majsteve] #13908
12/10/02 12:02 AM
12/10/02 12:02 AM
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Sycho15 Offline
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For summer camping where you've got electricity- bring along a box fan or cage fan and set it up inside the tent so it sucks air in from the door or window. The breeze and cooler air will help tremendously. Also, I got one of those portable 12/110V refridgerator/warmers from Wal-Mart and bring it with me. I have it plugged into my cigarette lighter on the way to the campsite, and then plug it into the power-strip when I'm at the campsite. It keeps my Yoohoos downright cold If you're going all-out, I suppose you could even get one of those little portable AC units...
I also got a coleman cot from Wal-Mart (hmmm- could there be a trend in my shopping?) that I absolutely love! It actually frees up a lot of room in the tent since you can store your gear under the cot. It's uber-comfy, too.

G-Cat 5.7M #583 (sail # currently 100) in Bradenton, FL Hobie 14T
Re: Place to go is..... [Re: Sycho15] #13909
12/10/02 01:45 AM
12/10/02 01:45 AM
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MauganN20 Offline
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thats not "camping."

Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: jmhoying] #13910
12/10/02 09:09 AM
12/10/02 09:09 AM
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Dan Berger Offline OP
Dan Berger  Offline OP

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Thanks for all the input--I've just been out of the camping scene for so long that everything has changed! I bought a cheap, but supposedly strong tent on eBay and it was just that--cheap.

I'm still working on getting the pop-up camper. I figure that since I'm only weighing it down with an A-cat, I should be able to 'pop' it even with the boat on top! I found a nice 14 footer locally, but the top needs a little work. That's going to run around $2500 (no AC!), so the tent option is looking a little better. I'm thinking about making a custom trailer for the A-Cat and just using a tent (a lot less $$). I'll have to save the "Rock Star" days for when I have a little more play money...

Dan Berger
Norfolk, VA
A Cat USA139
Supercat 15
Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13911
12/10/02 11:22 AM
12/10/02 11:22 AM
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Fort Loramie, Ohio
jmhoying Offline
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I don't think that there is a Cabelas store in your area, but they have a great on-line store.
They offer any kind of tent you would want and are of good quality and value. A friend of mine bought the "truck tent" version from them. It's an 8x10 tent with a boot on one side that fits around the back of a pickup (with bed cap) or an SUV. You can sleep in the tent and the back of the vehicle. The boot closes up if you want to use the tent alone.
Good luck in your search,
P.S. I've replaced the roof on a Pop-up camper once, so if you decide to buy the one that needs work, let me know.

Jack Hoying Fort Loramie, Ohio
Re: Not another kind of boat :-) [Re: Dan Berger] #13912
12/10/02 11:51 AM
12/10/02 11:51 AM
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samevans Offline
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Hi Dan,
So tell me about your A Cat.
I am with you. Even the best tent is still at ground level.
I have thought about carrying a cat on a pop-p also.
I spoke to the guy a Spring Fever who carries his 18 square on his pop-up.
He told me some very interesting things about pop-ups.
Most of them are built on a very lightweight frame and springs such that they can't carry much additional weight. He had found a large one with so much additional capacity that it had a large external storage box.
Most of them have very lightweight tops that can't carry much weight either so you may need external supports for the boat.
Remember that a soft pop-up still has canvas sides that can leak like a tent.
I have been trying to find one of the hard-side pop-ups and put it on a bigger, stronger frame with supports for the boat.

Good luck.

P.S. I bet the Camp Hatteras Regatta had alot of people looking for better tents.

Re: Not another kind of boat :-) [Re: samevans] #13913
12/10/02 12:46 PM
12/10/02 12:46 PM
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I agree that many pop-up won't handle much extra weight when raising the roof. However, I have camped in pop-ups for 25 years and never had a problem with leaking. A friend had one of the hard side pop-ups with fiberglass sides. They sold it after a couple years because the walls would sweat so badly. Bad enough that their blankets and pillows would be wet in the mornings. These problems might not be an issue if you leave some windows open for ventilation, or if you can keep the occupants from breathing.

Jack Hoying Fort Loramie, Ohio
Re: Not another kind of boat :-) [Re: samevans] #13914
12/10/02 12:53 PM
12/10/02 12:53 PM
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Norfolk, VA
Dan Berger Offline OP
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Bingo, sam--that was the race that put the thought in my head. Remember, I had that "Taj Mahal" tent that is a VW camper bus tent. It was the only one standing, but what a pain to set up!!

At the Hartwell race, I camped next to the guy with the 18 square--that's what really gave me the idea. I figured the comfort and extra stow space would be pretty nice. I can't find a good (and inexpensive) hard-side camper.

I did just buy a 2001 Bimare Javelin (another result of the Cape Hateras race) but I had it on the water for 20 minutes before the dagger slipped into the hull and ripped out the well. A-cats don't weigh 165 pounds any more when they are filled with water! Luckilly, I had just bought insurance on the thing 3 days before I went sailing! I ended up ordering a new hull and W.F. hooked me up with another set of hulls (that need repair) and basically everything else to make another platform. That gives me 2 boats with a total of 20 minutes of time on them. I was thinking of making a double stack or double hanging trailer for them so I could take both with me. at least, it would get them out of the garage!

Dan Berger
Norfolk, VA
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Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13915
12/10/02 01:29 PM
12/10/02 01:29 PM
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MauganN20 Offline
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Boom... tarp... bam...

(optional mosquito net)

Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13916
12/10/02 04:51 PM
12/10/02 04:51 PM
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I backpack/hunt/hike in the colo. rockies every fall.

check out, they have went to a tipi design. you can stand up in it, hang things in it to dry, it's the last tent you'll ever own. they are a little pricey, but i think you tend to get what you pay for.

You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning !
Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13917
12/11/02 01:17 PM
12/11/02 01:17 PM
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mwr Offline
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I do a lot of camping, and a few years ago, after renting a dozen different tents, I bought a Sierra Designs Meteor Light. It is the kind of product I just rave about! The design and construction of the Sierra Designs tents is really wonderful. It's easy to set up, has nearly vertical sides so it is huge inside and stays dry( we spent almost 24 hours inside it one day!). They make a tent called the Mondo Condo that is more or less the same design but is a bit larger. The may be a little more expensive than you are looking for, but in 7 years when you still have it you will be glad you spent the extra $100 on a good tent.
Stay away from those off-brand, cheapo "family" dome tents, you will be dropping one in a landfill every 2 years! Look for aluminum poles, taped seams and a reinforced floor. Also if the pole sleeves seal tight to the fly, things will get very humid and wet inside. Do not underestimate the value of good ventilation.
When you get a tent, try to be a little rententive about it's use, especially when you put it away, and it will last just about forever.

Michael Rossney West Oakland, Ca. H-18
Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: mwr] #13918
12/11/02 04:14 PM
12/11/02 04:14 PM
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Dan Berger Offline OP
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I checked out that model and it seems about what I am looking for in strength/durability, but I'm looking for something a little bigger. How hard is it to set-up?? It looks like the poles would be a pain to flex.

I also like the diagram that puts the poor dog out in the cold!

Dan Berger
Norfolk, VA
A Cat USA139
Supercat 15
Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Dan Berger] #13919
12/17/02 02:06 AM
12/17/02 02:06 AM
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Memphis, Tennessee
Damon Linkous Offline

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I've got a really large dome tent (12x12x7) that goes together just like the little backpacking tents. I believe it's a Coleman, I got it at Sports Authority. I wanted a tent I could stand up in, and that's not easy to find when your 6'7"! I can toss a queen size air mattress through the front door, very comfortable. I believe it cost a little less than $200.

I've attached a pic of the tent setup at Ocean Springs Yacht Club during the Horn Island Hop. That's my 18 in the background with the new graphics.

Attached Files
Re: Looking for advice on a tent [Re: Damon Linkous] #13920
12/17/02 02:14 AM
12/17/02 02:14 AM
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mwr Offline
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I gotta say, the design, construction and lifetime warranty all keep me firmly in the Sierra Designs camp. Did you look at the larger tents that they offer? I know it is hard to spend the money on one of these when you can by a huge family dome at Wal-Mega-Mart for $11, but like I said before- in a few years you will really come to appreciate it.
Good luck!

Michael Rossney West Oakland, Ca. H-18

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