Another post was asking about what GPS to buy. One thing about them is they need POWER. If you ever used the older rechargeable batterys before you know they were junk. At the begining of the summer I purchased a Rayovac Nickel Metal Hydride double A charger and it came with two batterys. I found it at Walmart. Model PS4. I also got a couple of Energizer NiMH batts,just to compare. I am happy to say they are a good thing. They last as long as the alki's and charge in a hour or less. I like the Energizer's better than the Rayovac's and thats due to the fact the Energizer's mHa. rating is higher (1600 mHa). Rayovac has higher rated ones also. I think the Rayovac's that came with the charger were 1000 mHa. Get the highest mHa you can find. They last longer.
The only down side is they lose the charge as they sit. But a few minutes in the charger before the weekend and your good to go. I carry 4 NiMH and 2 alki's (just in case) and have no trouble making it through the weekend.
Well there is one more down side........I lent the Rayovac's to a friend for his digital camera.......they're in Daytona now.

( He says they last longer than the regular batterys)