| Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15078 01/05/03 11:16 PM 01/05/03 11:16 PM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | Well we started the year off with a bang. Yesteday's Kona windstorm played havoc in the boat yard. John Macarron, commore, reported today that several boats flipped with one Nacra sustaining serious damage when it landed on its mast. It snapped the front cross bar along with some of the standing rigging. The dagger boards were in the trunks so one took a pretty good hit getting major cracks as well.
Other than this unfortunate opening to 2003, we plan on having a great season with Ryan elected as vice commadore. I hope we can get more racing in this year. Even if the races are very casual with a clock start and no committee boat. That way we all could get some more competition time on the water without all the fuss of a full on race organization.
This forum is titled HHCA but was created for the Oahu sailing community. Please jump in, you do not have to have a Hobie to participate. Any cat will do. And if you are reading this outside of Oahu, fell free to jump on as well. We like to hear what is going on all around the sailing scene.
I have a photo album page set up and it has lots of sailing photos posted. Take a look if you like. It can be found at:
As we say in Hawaiian, Hao Oli Makahiki Hou. Happy New Year. CL | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15079 01/08/03 07:28 PM 01/08/03 07:28 PM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | Chris,
Thanks for posting the update! I like visiting the Hawaii forum when I am on the mainland. Sorry to hear about the damage. You certainly have a beautiful spot to sail from over there. My in-laws live in Manoa valley so I am over to O'ahu fairly often and most visits we get over the the bay once. It is a wonderful respit from all of the family parties! I am looking forward to when we move to O'ahu and I have more time for sailing out there. Unfortunately, I have not yet convinced my wife that Cat sailing in the SF Bay is the same as the Kaneohe bay! She keeps getting stuck on the 56 degree water issue.
Happy New Year to you too.
Drew | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates
[Re: ]
#15080 01/12/03 01:27 PM 01/12/03 01:27 PM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | Thanks for stopping in our BB. You can also enjoy some photos on the bay at:
Last edited by Margaret_Chris; 01/12/03 01:27 PM.
| | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15081 01/20/03 04:02 PM 01/20/03 04:02 PM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | I just got back from Kauai. Had a great time, but I couldn't find anyone there to rent a cat from. Is there any place on the island that rents cats?
I'm also curious about how far off shore you guys get with your cats. Do you sail to other islands or do you generally stick closer to shore? I'm a lake sailer here in land locked CO and have never done any offshore sailing.
By the way, great pics at the link mentioned above.
Mike H-18 | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15082 01/27/03 12:32 PM 01/27/03 12:32 PM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | The first Clean-Up day for Kokokahi Sailing Club will be this Saturday, 2/1/03. Hope to see you all down there pitching in. Chris L. PS. I coluld not log onto this BB today thats why it says Anonymous. | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15083 02/03/03 11:54 AM 02/03/03 11:54 AM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | The clean up day went great. Then we all had the pleasure to see Stewart's new FOX. Pretty awesome boat. The next evolution in cats. I will post a couple photos to: www.picturetrail.com/chris-margaret See you all next week. | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15084 02/05/03 12:44 AM 02/05/03 12:44 AM |
Joined: Feb 2003 Posts: 33 Hawaii ChrisMargaret
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 33 Hawaii | | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates
[Re: ChrisMargaret]
#15089 03/11/03 01:44 PM 03/11/03 01:44 PM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | Chris, Who do I contact about joining the Kokokahi Sailing Club? Thanks, Howard [email protected] | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates
[Re: ChrisMargaret]
#15091 04/04/03 02:00 AM 04/04/03 02:00 AM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | Hey Dude, We didn't see any whales but had a great reach out the channel then surfed a few set's on the way in. Then cruzed over to the sand bar. Saw a couple of sea turtles. And hey, with it overcast I didn't need SPF40. Later, Dan'o | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15092 06/13/03 12:57 AM 06/13/03 12:57 AM |
Joined: Feb 2003 Posts: 33 Hawaii ChrisMargaret
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 33 Hawaii | KOKOKAHI SAILING CLUB May 2003 In the Wind Club Day Our Club Day schedule is the same this year as in years past: Club Days are at 9:00 am on the first Saturday of even numbered months and will be the following Saturday if rained out. Don’t forget to check our “rain or shine line” at 543-0465 on Club Day after 8:00am to get a recorded update. The actual days this year are February 1st , April 5th, June 7th , August 2nd , October 4th and December 6th. Don’t forget officer elections are also on December 6th. We have lots fun during the cleanup and always try and go sailing afterward. Please come on down and support your club.
This year as last year it was decided to credit everyone who attends and helps out at the club days $10 toward the yearly fees. The maximum credit you can accumulate is $50. Keep in mind that 1 club day is mandatory for every club member; therefore you will earn the $10 credit from the second club day you participate. Also, you must make an honest effort to show up on time and pitch in where ever you can. There are also provisions for extra credit for those that bring mowers and weedwackers to the club days. We always need extra equipment, so bring ‘em if you got ‘em.
Attendees for the April 5th club day/work party were Ivan Treskow, Chuck Bayne, Carl Neff, John McCarron, Mike Cox, Captain Howie Welfeld, Stuart Gaessner (mower), Web Ross (mower), Hank Peresa, Mitch Kahle, Ted Miller, Mike Ponder, John Fleener, Alan Johnson, Don Ikenberry, Judy Ramseyer, Tannya Boyd, Loic Le Marchand (mower), Ryan Selzer, Steve Dorsey, Alan Joaquin, Daniel Jenkins, Russell Tasaka (mower) and Geoff Keenan. Next club day is this Saturday, June 7th. Membership Dues Diana reports there are only two members who have not paid. Thank you to everyone else for paying on time. We also have quite a few members who have not returned a signed membership agreement. Please send in your payments and membership agreements ASAP. If you need an extra copy of the agreement, please let us know. We will be contacting you. All payments and agreements should be sent to our treasurer: Diana Nicholson 193 Kakahiaka Street Kailua, HI 96734 For the sake of the club, please make a good faith effort at fulfilling your membership obligations - including signing the membership agreement. If you wish to discuss your situation personally please contact any of the club officers.
News and Information Combination change The combination lock to the gate was changed on April 5th. Everyone should already have the new combination. If not, or if you forgot it, please contact any officer. Only those members in "good standing" and paid in full should have the new combination. Please help ensure the security of our area and protect our investments by locking the gate and not giving out the combination. April moonlight madness Kahana Bay Trip The sail to and from Kahana Bay was exhilarating to say the least! Winds were in the 20 Knot plus range with large open ocean swells and breaking waves! The ride was fast and furious and I think most everyone was relived to return to Kokokahi in one piece. Afterwards, many people stayed well into the night eating food, drinking elixirs and swapping sea stories. As always, the location and the company was the best part. Those that attended had a great time. Those that didn’t make it - you missed out and hopefully we will see you at the regatta. Thanks to Ryan and his support crew (Wife, son, and sister-in-law) for another awesome event.
Garbage The YWCA was complaining of all the beer bottles and cans in the trash barrels. According to the rules there isn’t suppose to be any alcohol consumed on the property. Please take your empties home with you.
Driving on the field Oliver mentioned on Sunday that we had vehicles and trailers parked on the field behind the boats. He determined that it wasn’t really a problem this time because the ground was so dry. He said it could be a potential problem if the ground was soft or if he had to mow the lawn. He asked that we not park there. The rules say we should pull our boat out of the slot and park our vehicles where the boat was. Parking shouldn’t be a major problem. Just try to stay out of the field.
Treasurer change Due to personal reasons Diana has decided to step down as treasurer. For continuity of service she suggested Peter assume the duties of treasurer. The club officers met and decided that this was a good idea. The subject will be discussed and voted on at the club day on June 7, 2003.
Liability issues All members need to be aware that the club is not liable for any injuries sustained to club members on club property. Non-members are exempt. This is particularly significant on club/work party days. If you bring invite someone who is not a member to the work party, please ask them to just observe and not help move the boats or mow the lawn. The sign up sheet will contain a disclaimer and your signature attests to your acceptance. Participation in club days is still encouraged, needed and certainly appreciated. However if you strain your back, twist an ankle, or if a mast falls on your head you are on your own; our liability policy cannot cover members!
The Molokai Express by Capt. Howie Ahoy fellow sailors, Having just returned from my third great sail to Molokai over the Memorial Day weekend, John McCarron suggested I write a little piece for the newsletter. So here goes:
Last year my buddy Wiltz and I sailed twice from Waimanalo Bay to Make’ Horse Beach on the west end of Molokai on my Hobie 16. After our first trip, we were hooked. Make’ Horse beach is a beautiful, pristine white sand beach. It’s more protected than most beaches on Molokai’s west end, so in the summer months, landings and launches are a piece of cake.
We stay at the Kaluakoi Villas, conveniently located ½ mile south of the landing… an easy 15 minute walk. The cost is only $85/night… split 2 ways. Each villa has 2 comfortable beds and a kitchenette. The Villas have a little convenience store with ice, drinks, ice cream and basic food items (yes, they have beer). We always take something with us to cook-up for dinner and breakfast.
On our most recent trip we sailed over on Kurma, my new Hobie 16 Getaway. This time we departed from the club at Kokokahi. It took 6 1/4 hours to get there… and 4 ½ hours to return.
If you pick your weather, the trip is very easy. We’ve circumnavigated Oahu 3 times (total of 9 legs). In my opinion, sailing to Molokai is much easier and safer than a few of the circle-island legs. Twice we crossed over to Molokai when the forecast called for 20 knots in the channel. Once we sailed back with the forecast calling for 25 knots; caution advised. Boy, was that ever fun… and really fast! We made it back to Waimanalo in just a little over 2 hours.
On two of our 3 trips, we had an additional Hobie 16 join us. I suppose my hidden agenda here is to generate club interest in a trip over to the Friendly Isle. We’re planning to go again over the July 4th weekend. Maybe we could plan an official club trip sometime. Perhaps you should let John McCarron know if you’re interested. I’ll be more than happy to help coordinate. Aloha and happy sailing!
Internet Take advantage of our web page! We have all our newsletters published there as well as member contact lists, club rules, links, classifieds and so much more. Now is the ideal time to get rid of the extra parts you have lying around and upgrade your boat! Take advantage of it:
Club officer's phone numbers The following is a list of current numbers. Please feel free to call any of the officers. Commodore: John McCarron 261-9605 Vice Commodore: Ryan Selzer 779-2158 Treasurer: Diana Nicholson 262-0984 Secretary: Chuck Bayne 352-9263 | | | Re: Kokokahi 2003 Season Updates #15093 06/19/03 10:30 AM 06/19/03 10:30 AM |
Joined: Feb 2003 Posts: 33 Hawaii ChrisMargaret
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 33 Hawaii | Aloha Sailors! Thanks to everyone for making the last club day a complete and quick success. We have a number of announcements that could not wait for the next newsletter: After the work was completed, we discussed having club sponsored buoy race on alternating months with our club day. We decided that the first SUNDAY of ODD numbered months at 11:00 am. We’ll start out this coming Forth of July weekend (7/6). Also, the Kaamaina Kids sailing program has begun. They live in the little trailer toward the bay. They asked club members to give them some space and not park on the grass in front of their trailer and our boat washing area. Kaneohe Bay Fest is scheduled this year for July 26. This means get down to the club before 9:00 am to ensure your boat will not be blocked in by cars. The event will last from approximately 9:00am to 3:00p, so plan accordingly! The 2003 Kokokahi Regatta is coming right up. We are considering the weekends of July 18th and August 8th. If you have input on the dates or would like to volunteer to help, please contact our vice-commodore Ryan Selzer at 779-2158. Chris Laletin has volunteered to be our club photo publicist and chat moderator. Please submit sailing pictures to Chris directly at: [email protected] He has put together a nice album from our last regatta and has some personal pictures published as well. If we have enough interest, we’ll create our own virtual photo Album. Chris’ Photo Album: http://www.picturetrail.com/chris-margaret Chris’ Sailing Bulletin Board: http://www.catsailor.com/forums/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=HawaiiHobie I hope to see everyone out on the water soon! | | | Re: RTB Round The Buoys
[Re: ChrisMargaret]
#15095 07/24/03 11:13 PM 07/24/03 11:13 PM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | Chris, FYI, KYC has an El Toro North Americans Regatta the first Sunday of August. I don't know the courses they will set but It would be nice if we can stay clear on the second RTB fun race. By the way I plan on making this one. Just bought a new "Hobie convertable harness" from Dean Froome (he has some in stock at a discount price). Had a great trip on the mainland, did a few days of monoslug sailing. Dan'0 Hobie 20 #66 | | | Re: RTB Round The Buoys
[Re: ChrisMargaret]
#15097 07/30/03 04:11 AM 07/30/03 04:11 AM | Anonymous OP
| Anonymous OP
Unregistered | Yeah, it can be a but bucket(w/high back) or a full harness (w/straps) for those long days on the wire or hull flying contests. Check it out on the Hobie website. Dan'o | | |
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