TO: Laser Hobie 14 Yngling and N-10 Sailors
You're invited to frostbite sail in the Sail Newport/Newport Yacht Club
Winterfest Regatta
DATE: Saturday, February 22
TIME: First Start 1100
No Race will be started after 1400
COST: $10 per boat
RACE COURSE: Newport Harbor
a. Please email Sail Newport to pre-register,include your mailing address
and we will send the NOR
b. NOR and entry form also available at Sail Newport and NYC.
c. NOR will be left on back door of Sail Newport for frostbiters to pick
up after hours and on the weekend
d. Or, paperwork can be done on the morning of the event
-But, please let us know you are coming by email or telephone
e. Last Minute registration will be held that Saturday morning between
0800 and 1000 at the Sail Newport Main Office.
PARTY/AWARDS: Immediately following the last race, location TBA
Complimentary Beer and Hot Chowder will be served.
CONTACT: Kim Cooper, Sail Newport, or
Steve Clark, Newport Yacht Club,
[email protected] ORGANIZING AUTHORITY: Sail Newport and Newport Yacht Club
TELEPHONE: (401) 846-1983