This message is specifically for Joe Valante, who left quickly after the Barnegat Breezer Regatta. Before leaving, Joe attempted to administer a ritual spanking, in his haste to get out of town without receiving what was properly his to receive. We now know the reasons why Joe left in such a hurry.
<br>1) The results show that it was in fact Joe who was to be spanked before a crowd of approving sailors, as Team Tornado got their [censored] more together on Sunday. Sorry you had to leave so soon Joe. I'll be happy to give you your spanking in arrears (ha ha) the next time we see you.
<br>2) Knowing that his butt was about to get warmer, Joe was desperate to try any solution. In his throes of impending embare - butt - ment (laff track again), Joe gave Bob Bergstedt's spinnaker a mighty yank, only to rip a big hole in it! Now bob wanted a piece of him too!!!
<br>Well Joe. I'm sorry that you felt you needed to leave town. We understand. Bob covered pretty well for you at the awards presentation, saying that the fine third place you guys got was solely due to Bob's efforts. He sends his regards.
<br>As far as Casey and I are concerned - we're very glad that you came down to Trixie's so that we could make it 2 out of 3. We're also glad that you healed well after the C100. That gives us every expectation that you'll recover fully after you get the spanking you ducked out on.
<br>Now if we could only get that damn Bob O'Conner, who spanked us all.
<br>-Greg and Casey Tornado USA 815<br><br>

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