Hi all,
had plans to post each night, but had too much going on. Racing went late, dinner at the club each night, organization etc. Tell you what it is easier to be involved at a event at someone elses club than your own

Anyway, Tony Barret is doing OK at last report. Can see the top line of an eye chart, but will be a slow recovery. Beware when removing shock cord on hull supports

11 boats entered, 4 x 1 up Tony J, Tony B, Simon, Gary, 1 x 2 up, Marcus/Nathan, FCA Blades. 3 x 1 up, Niel M, Peter, Matt, Mosquito's. 2 x 2 up, Brett Goodall/Kingsley normaly skippers Taipan Sloop, James, normaly skippers Taipan Sloop/Leigh, normaly crews Capricorn F18 Vipers. 1 x 1 up, Taipan.
Tony was sadly missed, the only race he competed in on Saturday, he should have finished 3rd. Just ahead of me, and was challenging the 2 up Vipers. I thought he would have had the potential to win the regatta as things turned out, certainly would have made it a lot harder for me to win races anyway.
So first race, Friday. 10-12 knots I think. Vipers pulled away through out, with Tony B, Simon and I battling, my trapezing down wind was quickly picked up by Tony B after I passed him and Simon. I won by default, the lead Viper(James,Leigh)lead to the finish, but went looking for a buoy in the wrong place

and was followed by Brett/Kingsley and Tony B. The small buoy had been in place since before the start and I had noted it's location before starting, also having written the sailing instructions, I knew what to look for, it was the same type as the offset buoy, which we passed 3 times during the race. Oh well has to be some advantages to being local and organizing the event

. Then a thunder storm came in and all racing was cancelled for the rest of the day.
Saturday, we waited for wind and had half a AGM, until the OD called us out. Did 3 races before lunch break, flat water 8-12 knots. James/Leigh, Brett/Kingsley and I all won a race. After lunch was the around Raymond Island race 10-12 knots. James/Leigh lead all the way to finish in 54min 24 seconds, 24 seconds outside the record set in winds to 30 knots last year by a Mossie. Brett/Kingsley and I followed.
Sunday we headed out in light but sailable conditions, but consistent shifts delayed the start for some time. Eventualy the wind settled and got up to 12 knots, but quickly started to die off again, finishing in 8kts I battled with, Simon, Brett/Kingsley, Marcus/Nathan, James/Leigh, managed to get to the last windward mark first only to lose 3 places by the time we headed down the last run, but I managed to get past again to win. Second race was lightest of the series 8to 6 knots. I won the start and lead all the way to the finish, despite spinnaker sheet coming undone. Brett/Kingsley did very well to finish not far behind 2 up.
After lunch, breeze was up to stongest gusting 15 knots maybe more on the first lap. James Leigh lead the way with Brett/ Kingsley and I in pursuit. First run the 2 Vipers missed the lay line for the leeward mark and I had a wild ride, to be just behind them. James/Leigh went on to win both races with Brett/Kingsley 2nd me third in the first and Simon 3rd in the second.
James/Leigh won the regatta with Brett/Kingsley second and me one point behind in third. Peter won the Mossies. Full results and more to come.