From Under the Sun, Sailing & Diving Belize
To whom it may concern, regarding a letter from Bill Cash
This letter is in response to allegations and threats made by a client, Bill Cash, regarding an Adventure Sailing Vacation he took with Under the Sun in Belize. The tone of his letters to us is pure extortion. We will be happy to make all correspondence with Bill available to any one that is interested.
We are also happy to make available to anyone that is interested all photos and video of the Cash’s trip as well as all promotional information we send out for these trips.
Sail Magazine took the same trip 3 weeks after Mr. Cash. Watch for their story in the December issue.
The following three letters are the first 3 e-mails in the order we received them from Bill Cash shortly after the Cash’s trip. Our response to his extortion follows his e mails.
Riley Dunn, President of Under the Sun, Sailing & Diving Belize
Letter 1:
We have spent the last 36 hours or so talking about what to do about this trip.
I m sure you realize we were, and are, much less then satisfied. It seems that our dissatisfaction stems from two points. Your misrepresentation of the accommodations we should have received and your constant excuses, placing the blame on a third world nation.
I have to admit you almost had me convinced that the places you stashed us, were in fact, first class for Belize. Then you made the mistake of taking us to see South Water Key, Beaches and Dreams and finally Mother Natures Resort, where we had dinner the last night. While flying home I took the time to page through Destination Belize the official visitors magazine of the Belize Tourism Industry butt.
I want to remind you of a conversation you and I had, by telephone, several months ago. I asked you, POINT BLANK, what the accommodations would be like. You answered, First class of course, it s the only way to go. Clearly, You are the only one in North America or Belize who thinks that the accommodations you provide are first class.
As I flew home I pondered what to do about how you misrepresented the trip and how we felt taken by you. I also thoughts about how you went on and on that Belize had so little to offer that we should be thankful for what we had. (I m sure the Belize Tourism Board would love to hear your version of what Belize has to offer).
My first thoughts were to write every Sailing and Travel magazine I could think of and let them know that Belize is a nation of flim flam operators who pay off government officials to make things work, naturally naming you as the source of this information. I also thought of writing the Belize Tourism Association and letting them know what a wonderful job your doing of building up Belize. Then I considered setting up a web page to share our experience with every possible person we could. Actually I think these are good ideas and worthy of my time. But, after a day of traveling I decided it s not my job to notify the world of how we were taken.
Instead I decided to suggest to you that you refund to me the money I paid you for our bogus trip. If you refund the fees I paid you I will only post stories about the high points of out trip. If you do not refund the $4280 I paid you I will begin to notify everyone I can think of about how you took us.
These are the groups I intend to notify:
Belize Customs and Immigration: You went into some detail about how greasing palms made things work in Belize. Your views on how Third World Governments work should be of great interest. (Considering the upcoming election I intend to contact these folks and the Belize newspapers, by Friday 3/7)
Belize Tourism Association: I m sure your view on tourism and the rich people would help them to further develop Belize as a world tourism destination. I am also sure they will appreciate your representing Whispering Seas Vacations Inn as First class accommodations. Travelers from around the world will flock to visit Belize to stay there.
USA, IRS: I don t know for sure if your keeping them notified about Under the Sun, but I m sure they would love to chat with you about it.
Sail Magazine: They don t need to bother doing a trip with you about adventure sailing. Ill tell them about our trip.
Internet: I will set up a WebPage, linked to the Belize Tourism Board and to the Under the Sun. My web page will warn people about you, in particular, and about Belize in general.
Be assured, when I came to Belize I intended to put the word out to close to 1000 sailors DIRECTLY, and well over a million through our web site, about the experience. I still intend to do so. Your decision, to refund my $4280 will determine if I tell them about the high points, or if I begin a quest to tell everyone I can about how you ripped us off.
BTW. The attached link, is to our email group that automatically sent my post to 612 email accounts. All of them beachcats sailors. (Up till now none of them knew anyone who took a trip with you.) By pressing the send button I reached 612 sailors and their families in one short step, consider how many potential visitors to Belize I could reach over the next month or so if I put my mind to it. You ll notice, if you read the attached story, that I left the story about our dolphin encounter open-ended How you respond now will determine the rest of the story.
As I mentioned above I intend to reach out, first, to the government officials in Belize by 3/7, unless you decide to do the right thing and refund the money we paid us. In which case Ill consider you a reputable businessman.
I look forward to hearing from you very soon
Bill Cash
PS, A copy of this letter will go out on Thursady 3/6 at 8AM to the Belize Tourism Board.
Letter 2:
Between the dates of Feb 20,2003 and March 1, 2003 my wife and I were vacationing in Belize. Belize seems to be a nation intent on becoming a major vacation destination. Therefore I thought I should share our experience with you.
First some background. My wife and I share a love for sailing, in particular sailing small, high performance catamarans, these boats are commonly called beachcats. For the past 3 years were have been planning a vacation around our 30th wedding anniversary. Over the course of the last 3 years we contacted resorts all over the Caribbean. One tour operator , Under the Sun in Belize seemed to offer what were looking for. Their ads and brochures offered luxury, first class, accommodations, along with the use of a Hobie Magnum (18 beachcat). We selected their Lodge Hopper special vacation package, as it seemed to offer us everything we could hope for. Between November 2002 and the end of February 2003 we traded numerous e-mails and phone calls with Riley Dunn, the owner of Under the Sun in Belize. In our conversations with Riley I asked him about our accommodations on several occasions. He assured us that our accommodations would be first class. Infact his statement to me was. First Class all the way, that s the only way to go .
I don t want to take up your day by explaining all the things that were wrong with this trip. However I feel I should point out a couple things that would cause me tell everyone I can that they SHOULD NOT go to Belize.
Our accommodation were anything BUT first class. Mr. Dunn had us staying in a lodge in Hopkins. The room/building wee stayed in had limited electric,& next no no light. It had lots of windows, but no screens. The windows had to be kept open because the room had no air conditioning. Your web site suggest people try to avoid bug bites, hard to do with no screens. The worst problem was the lack of water. In the morning and evening (the time when people tend to bath or shower) the water pressure was so bad that showering was out of the question.
Ill tell you about our first night as an example:
After traveling from 8:30 in the morning we wanted to clean up (8PM) and go to bed. After using a flashlight to remove her contacts because there was soo little light, Katherine, my wife, was first in the shower. There is only one water valve, for cold water. We discovered that the Inn owners had installed a point of use water heater in the shower. If we had enough water to shower, which we did when Katherine got in, then the water was cold. If the water pressure dropped, which it did, then the water was scalding hot. Katherine was doing her best to get a shower with what was available and then she calls out to me that she has no water. I check and sure enough the water has dropped to a trick le. Fortunately I had a letter of drinking water handy to rinse her face with. To rinse her off the rest of the way I begin using a water bottle and the sink. It takes 4 minutes (I timed it) to fill a 1-liter water bottle.
Does this sound like first class to you? We brought this to Mr Dunn s attention the next morning and he went to great lengths to explain that Belize is Third World Nation and we should be glad to have such accommodations. It may be a Third world nations but I don t think you want your tour operators using that as an excuse, do you?
While flying home from Belize on Saturday 3/1, (we came one day early , we would have left sooner is we could have) I was looking through the magazine put out by the Belize National Tourism Association. It looks to me like your trying to build Belize into a World Tourism destination. If what we had, is what you consider first Class then you need to up the standards some. If you truly do offer first class accommodations then I recommend you take a look at the people who are bringing people into Belize and see what kind of operations they are running.
Mr. Dunn and his Under the Sun in Belize are doing a great job as portraying Belize and a Third World Nation with Third-rate accommodations. I asked Mr. Dunn about how he was able to run his service in Belize (as he is US citizen) and he went to explained that you can do just about anything in Belize, as long as you take care of the right people.
I have demanded a refund from Mr. Dunn. I informed him that if he did not refund the fees I paid him that I would begin a quest to notify everyone I possibly could that his operations and Belize should be avoided. This letter is my first step in keeping my promise to him. Over the next few days Ill be composing letters to be sent to every sailing, diving and vacations magazine I can come up with. I ll also start work on a website to further notify the world that Under the Sun and Belize are anything BUT first class.
Thank in advance for any assistance you may offer,
Bill Cash
PS: not everything about our trip was bad. We tried to make the most of it. We had a great sail with some ptotted dolphins on 2/24. I posted a story about it on one of the emailservers I belong to. This story went ou to 612 homes. . I am waiting for Mr. Dunn's response before I begin telling "the rest of the story.'
Letter 3:
My wife & I just returned from a trip to Belize. WE spent 9 days with Riley
Dunn at "Under the Sun in Belize" sailing 18' Hobie Beachcats.
Riley mentioned that your magazine is planning on doing a story about his
opperation, Under the Sun in Belize. I would be pleased to share our
experiances with you and your staff. Naturally, I will be sharing it so
that you can use it in whatever articvly you plan to write about this
"advanture Vacation"
Attached is a short piece about one of the days we had there.
Ill be in touch with "the rest of the story" soom.
We returned home from our trip to Belize around midnight last night.
Ill be working on a story while the pictures are developed.
Below is a portion of the story and by far the best part of the trip.
The high point of the trip came on our 30th anniversary, Feb 24th.
We were on a morning trip headed South from Tobacco Key (located 15
miles offshore) to South Water Key. South Water Key is 7 miles south
of Tobacco Key. Winds were fair, 10 knots or so, and blowing from
the NE so we went out through the reef into the deep blue sea, and it
is deep. After crossing through the reef the water quickly drops off
to 100 fathoms, 600 feet.
Our plan was to reach WSW 4 or 5 miles then turn ESE and surf the 4-
5' rollers to South Water Key.
About 3 miles out the wind started to die. Despite the light winds
we were enjoying the sail. Katherine and I were about 200 yards
ahead and leeward of the other boat. Glancing back I see a dolphin
surface about 100 yards behind us. I alert Katherine, jump up on the
wing and holler to the other boat pointing where the dolphin was. At
the same time the other boat sees dolphins around them as well.
Before we know it we are surrounded by dolphins, it seems like they
are everywhere, hundreds of them. They are ahead of us, behind us
all around us. We look to the other boat and see groups of dolphins
in every wave between our boat and theirs. As far as we can see
behind the other boat dolphins are coming to join us.
Katherine and I are now sitting on the forward hulls, trying to keep
our speed us, lost in the thrill of sailing in a huge pod of "spotted
Atlantic dolphins". Its no use trying to go fast to play with them,
as the wind is dying so we heave too.
Jerome, crew on the other boat, puts on a mask and snorkel and slides
into the water. It's not long before Katherine and I do the same.
They are all around us, as far as we can see below us and in every
direction underwater. Their chatter, clicking and squeaks come from
At one point Katherine is floating between our hulls looking down and
a dolphin is directly below her, vertically suspended in the water
gazing up at her as she looks down.... We swam with them for about
15 or 20 minutes then sailed with them again untill they continued
off whereever they were going. All in all we were "among them" for
about an hour.
After reaching South Water Key we talked about the size of the pod
(pod seems too small a word) with a member of the Marine school
there. She pulled Spotted Dolphins up on the Internet and we found
that Pantropical Spotted Dolphins are sometimes seen in groups of
over a thousand. However,
no one we spoke to could recall ever hearing of anything like this.
This was truly a once in a lifetime experience and without a doubt
the high point of our trip and what made it all worthwhile.
All in all we are glad we took the trip BUT wouldn't bother to go a second
time. The sailing was good but no better then we find in the Fla.
Keys (at a fraction of the cost) Its good to be back in the USA
Our response,
The tone of Mr. Cash’s letters is one of threats followed by an offer to tell the truth for money.
The facts of the trip are that Mr. & Mrs. Cash booked an adventure sailing trip with us in mid January 2003 for February 18 to 27. Their First contact with us was November 2 2002. There was no 3-year correspondence with them. They booked our Lodge Hopper Special in late January for 8 days and 7 nights with an extra two nights and 3 days for side trips on the main land. For the extra days we offered to make the boats available as well as provide day tours to the jungle and ruins at $100 a night for the both of them. This included the hotel, guides, boats, auto, and in addition because they were staying extra nights we stayed an extra night at the cays for them.
We sent them our promotional material, which describes the trip and the accommodations. Bill asked once in a phone conversation in late January about the accommodations. I informed him that we were based in the Fishing Village of Hopkins where the trip would start and end and that the accommodations were individual Beach Bungalows that had private baths, hot showers, were bug free with fans and good beds. There was also a small refrigerator in their Bungalow for cold drinks that I hadn’t mentioned. When asked by Bill if the accommodations were first class I told him “yes that they were comfortable and first class accommodations for the area, on the beach in Hopkins Village and at the cays on the barrier reef, it isn’t Florida but the accommodations are good.”
The water problem that Mr. Cash alludes to was a temporary interruption that occurs occasionally through out the village. The hot water heads are common to the area. The owners of the hotel are very nice folks and would have been happy to instruct Mr. & Mrs. Cash on the proper use of that type of shower if they had asked or informed them or me that they were having trouble with the operation of the hot water heads. Since the recent e-mail allegations from Mr. Cash I have again checked the Bungalow in which Mr. & Mrs. Cash stayed in Hopkins and found every thing clean, critter free and in good working order. These accommodations are equal to those the Cashes stayed in on the barrier reef. Mr. Cash is holding it against the Inn that the infrastructure in Hopkins is not up to wealthy New Jersey standards.
Several facts that Mr. Cash left out are that:
1. He was unable to pay us in the usual manor and we allowed him a month grace on the final payment for the trip. We didn’t receive our final payment until they arrived for their trip in Belize.
2. The Hotels that Mr. Cash prefers to stay in are not in Hopkins Village and are no more comfortable than the hotel he stayed in. If any thing they are in a more buggy area.
3. On the day the Cashes were to arrive their flight was delayed by snow for two days. We changed all of their accommodations, air & ground transportation dates, guide & safety boat arrangements and rearranged our February & March schedule to allow them the full vacation they booked. In short more than 15 people and 3 Lodges changed their arrangements to accommodate the Cashes rescheduled vacation. All at no cost to the Cashes even though Tipple Tree Bahia demanded a two-day cancellation payment when they were unable to accommodate the Cashes new vacation schedule on immediate notice. Under the Sun paid and never asked to be reimbursed for the cancellation charge.
4. As Tipple Tree was unable to provide accommodations for the days necessary, Whispering Seas Vacations Inn rearranged things on short notice to accommodate the Cashes in their Beach Bungalows.
5. Mr. Cash goes on to imply that Under the Sun is operating illegally. We are fully registered in Belize and in the United States. All of our equipment is legally imported, in good safe operating condition, and we are very well thought of throughout Belize which is why we were able to rearrange everything necessary to accommodate the Cashes on their delayed vacation.
6. As to operating in Belize or anywhere even in the US, as I informed Mr. Cash in a conversation during dinner one evening, that it is a matter of getting to know people and developing working contacts through out the government and the industry you work in. That is the only way we in the tourism industry can rescue snow-delayed vacations.
7. The Cashes had an excellent trip. The wind didn’t fully shift to the strong easterly south easterly that we would have liked but we had good wind for the trip. According to the gps. Mr. Cash used daily to keep track of their sailing, they were sailing more than 25 knots daily and average speeds were above 11 knots. Every day they sailed into new territory. They sailed out side the reef several times and for almost two hours were able to sail & snorkel with hundreds of Pantropic Spotted Dolphins that migrate through the area in late February and March. We sailed to other lodges on other cays and beaches for lunch & beers. We sailed through the range cays and to Man-o-War / Bird Island. We sailed 20 miles in the Glass up close to the Barrier reef and sailed several miles out in the Deep Blue. Every day they saw rays and most days sighted dolphins. Snorkeling was great and the food was good. They never got sick and after 9 days in the tropics went home with only a half dozen bug bites.
8. The Cashes declined to take other side trips (citing allergy problems) that we had arranged at their request for their extra 3 days, including a jungle river tour and a trip to Cayo to visit the ruins. These trips were prepaid by Under the Sun and due to the short cancellation notice no refunds were available.
9. The Cashes flew home one day early citing allergy problems for Mr. Cash. At the time Mr. Cash expressed his gratitude for a once in a lifetime trip.
In short the sailing trip was excellent and the accommodations and food were very good. Mr. & Mrs. Cash had every opportunity to enjoy their Adventure Sailing Trip of a lifetime with us as hundreds of others have and the photos and video of their trip show that they did completely enjoy the trip. I personally am dumbfounded at the allegations & fabrications they are spreading. Again we are happy to provide any and all information including photos & video of this trip as well as references and articles from previous trips to all interested parties.
Yours Riley & Dorothy Dunn,
Owners of Under the Sun, Sailing & Diving Belize
Hopkins, Stan Creek Dist 1407 3945 Lane
Belize, Central America Paonia Colorado 81428
970 527 8996 – 800 285 6967 From Under the Sun, Sailing & Diving Belize