Where to start

. I started with the vision of a quick spray job, as I removed the old paint my imagination started working overtime and I went and bought a 2 pack marine paint ( gotta have the shiney finish

). Speaking to the salesman he assured me that it could be used with a roller as there was no way that I was going to spray 2 pack. Cool thought I, I can do this

. Mixed the primer up and rolled it on with an ordinary house roller ( as instructed ). Bloody hell this stuff was good and thick, 2 coats and ensure that you let it bake in the heat for 4 days, then start sanding.
Right 1st step complete, now to sand,but the finish looked like Museli all over the boat? Ok this must be why you sand it back. Bought some 240 wet/dry, spent 8 hours sanding ( with block ) and managed to finish about 2 feet and it looked crap

. Started to realise that I should of brushed it smooth while it was still wet. Ok I'll get some 180. Nope still not coming off fast enough. Bugger it, went and bought an orbital sander. AAAAHHHH crap every where and 2 weeks of further sanding. Do you ever get the feeling that you should of stuck with the original plan.
Mistake 1 : This won't take long!!! Finish Primer with a brush, will end up with smoother finish, easier to sand.
Mistake 2 : I've sanded back enamal primer, this won't be harder. When 2 pack dry's it very hard. Imagine sanding marble with wet newspaper.
Mistake 3 : The belief that you can roll a 2 pack paint,I now don't believe that you can roll a 2 pack paint and get a decent finish.
Mistake 4 : Not getting professional help. Speak to someone that knows what they are talking about.
Ok as you can guess by now I've had enough of sanding when I should be sailing, so I went to get professional help ( finally ). Went to the local crash repairer with boat and was told that they could finish and would start at $1000 and work up

. Nope that aint gonna happen. I did shop around and have found a guy out south who will spray it once I have finished sanding. He has seen the boat and suggests that I continue sanding as he feels that it is close to complete. He won't give me a price until it is finished but assures me that it will be nowhere near $1000. So boat is still on my front garden and I'm sanding every weekend, hopefully it will be finished in a couple of weeks. I dont think I will get the finish that my imagination wants but I will be on the water. I will let you know how much he charges.