Well, this forum is such a great place with tons of people who are super helpful. I think I may have found a replacement traveler, but neglected to mention that I'm also in need of a dagger board.
I hate to admit this but have sailed the whole 2011 season with one! (moving it from it from leeward hull to new leeward hull on each tack) Last fall (2010) I was sailing with an old ski buddy, with an unusual SSW heavy wind, a because of the lay line I neglected to note where the local rock-bar, shoal buoys were and sailed right through it, on the wire and flying a hull. Of course when we hit, the deceleration slowed us right down and spun the boat down wind, which immediately flipped us. Here's what's left of the old dagger:
http://www.radesignz.com/temp/IMAG0166.jpgI would appreciate any leads to a good used one as a new board at Murray's is 'way too much'